Totally loving this warm weather! Peyton and I have been walking in the morning. Walking around the neighborhood with Peyton takes forever! She points out every stop sign, and says octagon. She counts anything that has letters or numbers. Peyton counting to 14 takes a long time because she uses a few of the same numbers a few times: 1,2,1,2,6,1,2,5,6,7,8,6,9,10,11,12,13,14... She points out all of the mailboxes, and sometimes there is a cat that comes over, and we talk about him being sweet, cute, and nice (all lies) for 5-10 minutes. She also gets in and out of her car a bajillion times. I love when she sits in her car because I actually feel like I'm getting some sort of workout. We usually end our walks with a quick trip to the park. I love that when we leave she blows the park a kiss, and says, "bye park, bye fun". When Cory comes home we go to a park that has a huge walking/biking trail. It's been great. Yesterday there were a bunch of little league games going on. I can't wait until our kids are in sports, dance, gymnastics, music recitals, chess meets... whatever they want to participate in. I am hoping that if we have a son he'll like baseball, and that one of our kids will like soccer.
She's getting so tall.

She's really good at climbing the stairs at the park.

She also does a great job at going down the slide by herself.

Swinging is always a favorite.

Last night she asked to watch The Little Mermaid. I was thrilled. I loved that movie when I was a kid. She usually only wants to watch Cars, Toy Story or Ponyo. She was very into it, but I'm not sure how long it would have lasted because she only got to watch about ten minutes.
Her hair is wild and crazy! It drives me nuts when it's in her eyes. I'm thinking about getting the back trimmed. She's just a wild, mullet child right now.

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