We've been doing a lot of painting outside. Peyton loves to paint! Yesterday she rubbed paint all over her hands and said, "good idea. good job, hands". :/ She has hardly touched a paint brush since.

Warm days make for easy clean up. :) It makes me sad when some parents won't let their kids get messy. They're missing out on so much. Peyton has a lot of fun exploring different textures. More clean up for me is nothing compared to the joy she is getting out of being a kid and not worrying about getting dirty.

She informed me, "no eat it". ha. For the record, Peyton only paints with non toxic paint.

I don't know why she insists on standing and sitting in Daragan's water bucket. The side is broken from where Digory chewed it up, and Peyton's legs always get scratched up, but she insists on getting in. Notice her old duck bath that is right next to it... I guess, it doesn't have the same appeal. Maybe she is a fan of orange?

I love letting little kids paint! It makes me sad, too, that others parents don't let their kids do stuff like this. It's so good for their development -- it's like when you give a one year old a spoon. They're gonna make a mess, but it teaches hand-eye coordination and tons of other stuff. Letting them paint and get messy is super great for their sense of autonomy and creativity. Art makes you smart! One day she'll be able to illustrate her books!
Anyhow, letting her paint outside in the sunshine is WAY better than those parents who just let their kids sit in front of the tv all day, watching crap like Hannah Montana.
I love that little bathing suit. And I love messy kids. It's great that you let her do that. It looks like you have warm weather right now.
I got it from Target and it has cute little board shorts to match. Hopefully it will be warm enough to go to the beach while I'm out there. When does Hurrican Harbor open?
Great job on letting your little girl get dirty! The preschool years are supposed to be about exploring and there is no better way to do it!
PS It appears as thought she learned how to make brown... by mixing everything together.
SO FUN! she is a doll. our philosophy is you're not having fun if you don't make a mess ;) or something like that!
She called it black. ha.
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