1. I suppose its time to update my blog.
2. You can thank our apple tv, and the early seasons of Grey's Anatomy for my lack of blogging. You can also thank winter. I'd much rather be sitting on the couch with a blanket than sitting at the computer.
3. I'm still working on Noah and Peyton's room. It still looks like Peyton's room with a crib thrown in it. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon.
4. Yesterday was such a nice day. It was sunny and in the high 50s. I walked to the post office with the kids in the morning, then Peyton rode her "skateboard"in the driveway, and we played with sidewalk chalk. It was a little windy, so we didn't play outside when Noah was awake. I can't wait until it's in the high 60s/low 70s! It will be so nice to be able to sit Noah on a blanket, and play with Peyton outside.
5. Speaking of Peyton's "skateboard" that is actually a scooter: I was so stoke to find it at Target for half off. I've been watching it in the clearance section for weeks waiting for the price to be dropped. I finally decided that $15.00 was a fair price.
She prefers to be pushed.
6. I wish I knew our plans for baby #3. I know we both want another one. I just wish I knew the exact date it was going to be born, the gender, its size, and if it's going to be a fan of the swing. Our house doesn't have a ton of storage space. Both Peyton and Noah never really used the swing. They were both just super content babies (Noah still is), and liked being the floor. I would love to sell the swing. It takes up so much space. I'd also like to get rid of one gender of old clothes. What if I'm holding onto to all these clothes and the seasons are totally wrong? Oh life, and not knowing...
7. We went to the zoo last Sunday. We spent a lot of time in the indoor areas. The gorillas were my favorite that day. They are pretty scary and intimating. This guy was walking over to get some more food, and he did a little run, and it freaked me out. There is no way he could bust through the glass, but I gasped when he started moving faster.
My favorite gorilla.
8. Look at this guy. Such a Charlie Brown. Where is his neck? He is the most squeezable baby ever! I <3 him!
9. January is the longest month. I feel like it's been January for ever.
10. Happy birthday (tomorrow) to two of my favorite kids!
Missing you, Kayley and Cole!