Saturday, January 29, 2011

For Hillary and Candace

Joovy Caboose


And one of my superstar

Friday, January 28, 2011

We filed our taxes last night. Whoop, whoop! Most of the money will go towards not so fun things, but we did splurge a little. Cory and I agreed that we could get something we wanted, but it had to benefit the whole family. Cory chose an apple tv, and speakers for the tv. I chose a Bob. It is amazing!! It's the double Revolution Duallie. Today we walked to the post office, and grocery store. Who needs a car when you have a double jogger? I just wish there were crosswalks in this dang city. Now I am able to get out of the house with both kids, exercise, and get errands done! No more cabin fever... weather permitting. We will still definitely be using the joovy caboose for the mall, and such, but the Bob will be taken on our outdoor adventures. 

I don't have any pictures to share, but you can check out my other blog to see a few new ones. I didn't want to leave the blog silent for another week, so I thought I would rave about our awesome new stroller. So there you go. Have a great weekend! I know we will. It's supposed to be in the mid 60s tomorrow! yay!

Also, my Nana has throat cancer. :( She had a feeding tube put in today, and has a CT scheduled tomorrow to see if the cancer has spread, and her treatment plan with be decided from there. Please keep her in your prayers as well as my dad and papa. ::sigh:: I'm so sick of cancer. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

ten on tuesday

1. I suppose its time to update my blog. 

2. You can thank our apple tv, and the early seasons of Grey's Anatomy for my lack of blogging. You can also thank winter. I'd much rather be sitting on the couch with a blanket than sitting at the computer.

3. I'm still working on Noah and Peyton's room. It still looks like Peyton's room with a crib thrown in it. Hopefully I'll be able to post pictures soon. 

4. Yesterday was such a nice day. It was sunny and in the high 50s. I walked to the post office with the kids in the morning, then Peyton rode her "skateboard"in the driveway, and we played with sidewalk chalk. It was a little windy, so we didn't play outside when Noah was awake. I can't wait until it's in the high 60s/low 70s! It will be so nice to be able to sit Noah on a blanket, and play with Peyton outside. 

5. Speaking of Peyton's "skateboard" that is actually a scooter: I was so stoke to find it at Target for half off. I've been watching it in the clearance section for weeks waiting for the price to be dropped. I finally decided that $15.00 was a fair price. 
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She prefers to be pushed.
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6. I wish I knew our plans for baby #3. I know we both want another one. I just wish I knew the exact date it was going to be born, the gender, its size, and if it's going to be a fan of the swing. Our house doesn't have a ton of storage space. Both Peyton and Noah never really used the swing. They were both just super content babies (Noah still is), and liked being the floor. I would love to sell the swing. It takes up so much space. I'd also like to get rid of one gender of old clothes. What if I'm holding onto to all these clothes and the seasons are totally wrong? Oh life, and not knowing... 

7. We went to the zoo last Sunday. We spent a lot of time in the indoor areas. The gorillas were my favorite that day. They are pretty scary and intimating. This guy was walking over to get some more food, and he did a little run, and it freaked me out. There is no way he could bust through the glass, but I gasped when he started moving faster. 

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My favorite gorilla.

8. Look at this guy. Such a Charlie Brown. Where is his neck? He is the most squeezable baby ever! I <3 him!
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9. January is the longest month. I feel like it's been January for ever. 

10. Happy birthday (tomorrow) to two of my favorite kids! 

Missing you, Kayley and Cole!

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh, Peyton

Last night we headed to Target because I heard that they had some toys on clearance for 75% off. The scooter I was hoping to get Peyton was still only marked down 30%, so we passed on it. We didn't leave empty handed though. :) We got my nephews Iron Man legos for 5 dollars, and flip trick bikes for $2.50. Peyton got a littlest pet shop fish for a dollar. And Noah got a Thomas the train track thing for $10. He'll either be getting that for his birthday or next Christmas. We also got him a Playschool gears toy that was $3.75. He will mostly likely be getting that for Easter. I wish I would have picked up a couple more things for Peyton's birthday. Because who wants to pay full price for something when you know that they are going to be pulling out these kind of deals?

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But that's not the point of this blog post. The point is that Peyton has hit the milestone of saying embarrassing things in public. We let her walk in Target, and she was very happy about it. She kept pointing things out, "Look at that. Look at that". I was happy that she was loving Target as much as I was. :) Until we passed the bras. "Look at that. Those are for boobies". ::insert laugher from me and Cory here:: Which would have been fine if the ladies in the clothing department were laughing as well, but they just stared at us. 

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

While in the toy aisle she declared, "I have the runny boogers coming out of my nose". Niiicce. 

After Target we went to Chick -fil- a for dinner. I thought it would be a good idea to let Peyton burn some energy in the play place. She has been trying to climb on every thing at home. At the table she counted to ten in Spanish for me while Cory was getting our food. When he came back I asked her to count for him, and she said, "You're driving me nervous". ha. It's her own little combo of driving me nuts, and making me nervous. I always tell her she is making me nervous when she is trying to climb on the back of the futon, and I tell Daragan she is driving me nuts all day long. While in the play place Peyton kept calling the other kids baby. Not like a baby baby, but... "Hey, bebeh. Where are you, bebeh? I'm right her, bebeh. Come and get me, bebeh". I tried telling her to ask the kids' names, but she insisted on calling them "bebeh". Leaving was reaaallly fun. I knew she would throw a fit. So when I told her it was time to go she ran to climb up the stairs again, and I grabbed her. She screamed. I ignored her, and put her boots back on. She was so angry she was shaking, and she kept going in for a bite, but would stop herself. I didn't mind the looks. I know they have all gone through something similar. I was telling myself that, anyway. I was actually pleased with her self control of not biting me. I didn't give her a cookie for it, but I smiled in my head. 

This morning post breakfast bagel, pre cleanup. 

"I'm falling off the treasure chestes".

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

ten on tuesday

1. I haven't been blogging for a few days because I found out that someone from Brazil had been stealing pictures of Peyton and using them for their Orkut site. Seeing your child's face on someone else's social networking site if very disturbing! I wasn't sure what I was going to do with my blog. I debated making it private, and even deleting it. I really like the blogging community. I enjoy reading others' blogs, and it's always fun to see that I have new readers that don't know me in real life. So for now I've decided to keep my blog public. I've disabled right clicking ability, so hopefully people will get the idea that I am not okay with image stealing. I take the pictures, they are of my friends, and family, and NO ONE has the right to take them from my blog. They are mine. It is stealing. 

And for my Brazilian not friend:

Vocês não são bem-vindos! Tire suas próprias imagens de seus próprios filhos, eparar de fingir que sabe os filhos que você talo e roubar fotos de. É errado, e você éestranho. Vou continuar a procurar por fotos dos meus filhos no orkut. Mantenha-osfora, e deixar de vir ao meu blog

2. Not ever supplementing with a bottle is hard especially when you have an angry baby because he isn't getting enough. So, thanks for the advice on only nursing to get my supply up, pedi, but I'm going to have to pass. Thankfully I've been able to pump enough for a full bottle before I go to bed, and Noah usually only needs one the next day. So even though I don't have a freezer stash I am maintaing his needs. Nursing a baby is stressful. At least I get a little help with feeding:

"Noah is so thirsty. He is so hungry."

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3. I probably shouldn't leave the room when I have a bottle ready for Noah sitting in Peyton's reach. :)

4. Our little city hates to have fun weather. It seems like we're the only city in the state that doesn't have snow. All we got was like 2 minutes of snow flurries, sleet, and frozen rain. We don't get a lot of good thunderstorms in the summer either. We have like a forcefield around us or something.

5. I hate Star Wars.

6. The Bachelor started last week. Anyone watching?

7. Noah is officially in Peyton's room, well their room. I took down the pack in play in our room. It's nice to have that gone. Cory gets nervous every night, but Peyton has yet to wake up from Noah's crying. 

8. Its crazy that stores put out their spring line in January. Target already has their bathing suits out. 

9. I am happy that we are working our way up in more daylight. I miss the long summer days. I do not miss the bugs and humidity though.

10. I've been keeping up with my photo a day project (its a clickable link). I know it hasn't even been two weeks, but I'm hopeful. :) 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just Big Headed

Noah had his head u/s this morning. Everything checked out normal!! So thankful for that! I was really surprised with how quickly we were in and out. Registration was easy peasy, and we weren't in the waiting room for more than 15 minutes. Peyton was in toy heaven. There were a ton of wagons, ride on/in cars, play houses, and plastic jungle gyms. She threw a very lovely fit when we had to leave, and then threw another lovely fit when we had to leave the u/s room because she didn't get to finish watching Mickey Mouse. Very fun times! ::sigh:: She's been such a peach with her new found love for screaming, and hitting when she she is asked to do something she doesn't want to do. Then she will find a wall and sit down and say she wants a timeout. Nice... 

Anyway, after we left the children's hospital we headed to the Botanical Gardens. I needed some fresh air, and walk out my stress. :)

Peyton is very into balancing and walking on anything that is a little higher than the ground. Does that make sense? You know, like the edge of a curb or something. She also loves to climb and stand on everything, and pick up every stick she sees. It took us an hour to walk one path that would take someone without kids probably 10 minutes. 

Little duder watching Peyton climb on rocks. 

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So proud to be sitting on a big rock. 

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So thankful that both my babies are healthy. It's been a good day, tantrums and all. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Another Zoo Trip

After Noah's dr's appointment we headed to the zoo. We got there at a perfect time, and all the animals were up playing and chatting away. I kind of rushed us through because I wanted to meet Cory for lunch, and Noah wasn't too happy after getting his shots. 

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We did spend a while watching the lions. They were romping around, and the male lion roared a lot. It was really cool. Just call me a lover of the lion roar. 

Aren't her shoes the cutest?! Love them!

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Peyton's favorite part of the zoo is still picking up sticks, rocks, and climbing on the fences, but I was impressed with how much she was paying attention to the animals this time. Probably because they all weren't just laying around and sleeping.  She's also becoming a huge fan of the face cutouts.  

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We might go back tomorrow since we'll be out that way for Noah's u/s. 

That's my story. (stomp, stomp)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Noah is 4 months old.

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Noah turned 4 months old on the 1st. Today he had his well check. He is in the 97 percentile for weight at 18 lbs 1 1/2 ounces. The little paper with his stats is in the car, and I didn't even look to see how long he is, but I do know that he is in the 90th percentile for height. His head is in the 90th percentile as well. He is having to have a head u/s on Thursday because it has grown so much. I'm not too worried, but it's never fun to have to take your child to get tests that could indicate something is wrong. 

We were given the go ahead to start rice cereal, but was advised to wait until my milk supply increases a little bit. For now solid food is just for fun, and won't really give any nutritional value to his diet. We've been giving him bottles a lot more, and my supply has taken a hit. Once I get that up we're going to start solids. Fun times.

He hasn't really reached any new milestones. No rolling over, he only did that for about a week around a month old. He does have good muscle tone though, so it's only a matter of time. Actually I can sometimes get him to giggle when I kiss his cheek, and neck while tickling him with my chin on his chest... if that makes any sense. 

I was also advised to stop giving him his pacifier in the middle of the night, and let him work it out. Did I mention that he stopped sleeping through the night right after I posted about him doing so? The past 2 nights have been horrible. He has been waking up ever hour, and his naps are the same way. BOO! His poor little legs are sore from his shots, so we aren't going to let him CIO just yet. Plus he might be eating around the clock while I get my supply back up. I really hope that doesn't take long! 

Even though his sleeping hasn't been super great he is just the most easy going little dude ever. He has such a sweet demeanor, and I love him to pieces. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Here I Go

"So... oh... I'm brand new 
Today I make my resolution 
Today I make my resolution 
Today I make my, today I make my resolution 
Today I make my" 

1. Lose 20 pounds. For real. You know, like every year. :) But seriously for real. I want to be where I was before I got pregnant with Peyton.

2. Start and finish a photo a day project. I didn't even attempt last year, and 2009 I didn't get passed January.

3. Print photo books for Peyton's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year, and Noah's 1st year.

4. Clean out all the closets, and shed, and sell, and donate everything we don't use.

5. Finish all my house painting projects.

I've decided to not add "learn to play my guitar". It's made it's way on my list too many times. I'm not about to set myself up for failure this year. :)

My hopes for 2011

1. Sell our house!

2. Get a car

3. Grow my photography business

I suppose that's all, for my internet readers to know anyway. I have a few more personal growth ones, too.

Maybe next year I'll have some pictures to share of us bring in the new year with a little fun. Last night I went to bed at 10pm.

We did finish the year with a hike, and getting the jumperoo out of storage. Please ignore the fact that Peyton was getting ready to pinch Daragan.