Wednesday, June 30, 2010
30 weeks
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
10 on tuesday!

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Peyton Says
Friday, June 25, 2010
Big Day
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mixing Up Words
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Becoming A Park Pro
Please excuse the one sided bulging diaper. It always happens when we go to the park. I guess the climbing and sliding push it to the side.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
28 Weeks
Weight Gain: I don't know for sure, but when I went to the Dr a couple of weeks ago I was up 20 pounds.
Sleep: Horrible! I'm hot, and have the hardest time falling asleep. I wake up a million times a night, and am exhausted in the morning. Sometimes I take a nap in the afternoon, but it's never long enough because I usually fall asleep 30 minutes before Peyton wakes up.
Gender: Boy
Name: Undecided
Feeling: Hot, and large.
Belly: Growing, and uncomfortable. Thankful that I don't have stretch marks though.
What I am looking forward to: Choosing a name and sticking to it. ha. It might not be until after he is born though.
What I miss: Bending over without having a huge belly.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Last Week
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
10 on tuesday
1. Peyton can spell her name. She doesn't know her letters yet, so I know this is only memorization, but I still think she is a genius.
2. Peyton got a big yellow duck from my friend Erin, and Daragan loves it. Whenever Peyton sees Daragan with it she says, "no, Daragan. That Peyton's. Leave it alone."
3. Peyton is loving her Princess Jasmine dress up shoes these days. I wonder if she'll start getting into dress up. She'll be the girl in a princess dress playing with cars, airplanes and helicopters.
4. I love that Peyton calls puddles "muddles".
5. Every year the city puts on "city fest" with concerts, a big kid area with inflatable bounce houses and obstacle courses, pony rides, crafts, and of course there is a ton of food and other vendors selling various items. Anyway, it's within walking distance from our house. I was finally feeling a little better on Saturday night (got a stomach bug of friday), so we decided to see if there was anything fun Peyton could do. She saw the ponies, and asked to ride them, so we walked back to our house to get a few dollars. When we got back in line the lady announced that they were putting the ponies away because it was about to storm. As soon as we turned around to start walking home it started pouring. Peyton loved it. Since she was such a good sport about missing out on the pony rides we decided to take her to the mall to ride the carousel on Sunday. She loves, loves, loves riding the carousel, and always cries when she has to get off. The guy that was running it walked by Cory and whispered to him that they could go one more time for free. I guess Peyton is a cute, pitiful crier... to some.
6. Wow, I hope number 5 made some sort of sense. I am a horrible story teller.
7. There are toys all over the playroom. Peyton told me she was going to make a mess, and dumped a couple of cubes of toys out. Fine by me, she's pretty good about picking them up if we sing the clean up song together.
8. Peyton loves Lightening Mcqueen
9. More pictures
10. Finally number 10! I was struggling to find things to write about. Peyton hates flies. I told her to tell them, "shoo fly, don't bother me", so she goes around saying, "shoo fly, don't bother me. Shoo fly, don't bother carpet. Shoo fly, don't bother mommy. Shoo fly, don't bother toys"... whatever it lands on.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Car Washing
Peyton helped us wash the car yesterday. She loved it! Too bad our hours of work was ruined by the rain. It always seems to rain the day we decide to wash the car. The dark clouds in the sky should have been clue. Oh well. We had fun.
A little water on the car and...
then a little water on the belly. :)