Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ten on tuesday!

1. Peyton is walking! Not fully, but when she wants to get somewhere she tries walking first, and then she crawls the rest of the way. It's so cute. She walks with her arms out in front of her and both index fingers pointed straight out. I tried to get a video yesterday , but she just kept lunging for the camera.

2. Peyton is loving stuffed animals these days, which is good because we have plenty of them! For some reason she calls them ha-ha. I have no idea why.

3. Jada is supposed to come today. I am actually pretty excited. I haven't seen her in a month, and I really want to see how much she's grown and changed.

4. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the time change. Actually I'm having a hard time not feeling exhausted.

5. It's amazing what  teeth can do to a person. Peyton looks so much more grown up with her 4 little teeth. She actually has 5, but one is just a little baby bud that you can't really see.

6. I can't leave Peyton in the playroom by herself anymore. I guess it's because someone was constantly with her while we were in Cali. My mom's house isn't baby proofed. Going to the bathroom is so much easier without having a baby, eh...toddler crying at the door.

7. I think this was the faster summer ever. No worries though, we still have a 2-3 months of more hot, humid weather.

8. I miss the bottomless fridge and pantry at my parent's house. :) I miss them too, and California, and my friends that live there, and my friends that live in other states.

9. I hope Krista really does make it out here in October or November or sometime before 2010. And it would be super fantastic if Steph made it out too, and then we somehow met up with Hillary.

10. Aimee will be here soon. yay! I think we should go white water rafting. We'll see...


kristawilbur said...

I really do want to make it out there, probably in October because in November I'm going to Vegas one weekend and to a conference another. I just need to book a ticket... maybe when I get paid in a few weeks, and once I buy the ticket, there's no going back! What airport should I fly in to?

Also, I can't wait to see video of Peyton walking and of the fifth tooth! Cute little bebe/toddler person.

kimberlysayre said...

Birmingham would be best. You can go to the pumpkin patch with us!

erica said...

peyton is so cute! i love that she calls the stuffed animals haha! we were at the zoo yesterday and i thought of you guys (it was HOT)