1. Yesterday we went swimming with Aunt Laiena, Uncle Greg, and cousins Hunter and Ty.

Ty Ty

I totally remember doing this as a kid.


Uncle Greg in his goggles was not Peyton's favorite thing.

2. Peyton will be one is 8 days!
3. I forgot how much I love having dvr.
4. Peyton loves to look out the back door at Hofa.

Dirty baby hands on one side, and dirty dog licks on the other side.

5. I am so happy that Peyton is sleeping so well here. I'm not sure if that's going to be the case in California. We shall see.
6. My teeth hurt. I really need to go to the dentist. ::sigh:: I know I'm going to have a million cavities though.
7. I was hoping Peyton would have both her top middle teeth by her party, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
8. I am having such a hard time thinking of 10 things. I don't know why this is so difficult every week.
9. My cold is still lingering.
10. Should I go swimming or take a shower during Peyton's nap? I suppose I could go swimming now, and then take a shower during her afternoon nap.
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