1. Yesterday we went swimming with Aunt Laiena, Uncle Greg, and cousins Hunter and Ty.
Ty Ty
I totally remember doing this as a kid.
Uncle Greg in his goggles was not Peyton's favorite thing.
2. Peyton will be one is 8 days!
3. I forgot how much I love having dvr.
4. Peyton loves to look out the back door at Hofa.
Dirty baby hands on one side, and dirty dog licks on the other side.
5. I am so happy that Peyton is sleeping so well here. I'm not sure if that's going to be the case in California. We shall see.
6. My teeth hurt. I really need to go to the dentist. ::sigh:: I know I'm going to have a million cavities though.
7. I was hoping Peyton would have both her top middle teeth by her party, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.
8. I am having such a hard time thinking of 10 things. I don't know why this is so difficult every week.
9. My cold is still lingering.
10. Should I go swimming or take a shower during Peyton's nap? I suppose I could go swimming now, and then take a shower during her afternoon nap.
Just a few pictures from this morning. Peyton and I both have colds. :( It's her first time being sick, but she is acting fine. I don't know if she actually does have a cold or if her nose is just runny from teething. I took these this morning while she watching Sesame Street. Her eyes look a little sick though, huh? I was having a hard time uploading pictures. I'll try to get some more posted soon.
1. Peyton's birthday presents from her GG and Grampy. (cory's parent)
Now she may look like she is completely bored on this swing, but she LOVES it. As soon as we start unbuckling her the tears come.
She also LOVES this car they bought her.
The tears come when we stop pushing. Oh toddler-hood...
2. Peyton is coming close to walking. She one hand cruises everywhere. She walks while holding one finger, but has soon as you let go she either lunges towards you or drops to her knees.
3. One of my favorite things about Alabama is the thunderstorms, and we haven't had many. It finally stormed Sunday night, and for most of the day yesterday. Yay! We really needed the rain.
4. Happy birthday, Daniel.
5. I tried to get a picture of Peyton's tooth, but she wasn't having it. She looks so funny. I hope the other front tooth comes in soon.
6. I have seen like 10 people ride by on bikes today, mostly kids. I don't know how they are standing the heat.
7. Is it possible to potty train an 11 month old? I'm done changing diapers. ha.
8. Our church is going back to one service on Sunday mornings. I'm bummed. First service worked out really well for us, and Peyton's naps.
9. I really want a Pepsi.
10. Cory started putting in the laminate flooring on Sunday. The hall is almost done. :)
Alright, Steph, an update pada ti. We went for a walk at the Botanical Gardens on Thursday night. We planned on going to the zoo, but when got there they were locking up the gates. I didn't know that the special summer hours were only for the weekends. It doesn't matter where we go as long as I get pictures of Peyton, right.?
Oh and these are the pants that I did not wear inside out when I was confessing my "Not Me!"
This child would have been sitting in the middle of this fountain if Cory hadn't kept putting her feet back on the floor.
I'm undecided about this picture. Cory said he likes it. Part of me does, but the other part tells me she looks a little bit like Smeagol.
I like how she's up on her tippy toes.
Poor kid. When I want to get a picture of her (pretty much all the time) she hears, "peyton, peyton, peyton". ::lots of whistles, barks, ooohs and aaahs:: "look at me" "pppeeeeyyyyyttttoooonnnn" And then she flashes me a little smile and wave. That's all a mother wants, right?. :)
1. I made brownies on Saturday night. Do you think there are any left?
2. Cory and I watched Defiance last night, we both really liked it.
3. Remember how it was the 4th of July?
I only got 4 pictures of Peyton the entire day, and I'm so bummed about it. :(
Peyton was loving ALL of the food. She probably would have eaten all.day.long. if she had her way.
I managed to get a couple shots of these cuties!
I suppose I was having to0 much fun doing this!!!
But this wasn't so fun for me. It actually scared me. ha. and it hurt my neck.
I didn't get to jump on the trampoline because I couldn't climb up! ha!
And I only made it half way up the iceberg. sad.
I never made it out on the kaiaks because someone said it was most boring thing to do there, and wouldn't go with me.
We had a fantastic 4th of July! Seriously, one of the best I've ever had.
4. Peyton won't say "baby" "bye" or "peyton" any more. Maybe they were all flukes. But she still loves to say "no".
5. This day has gone by really fast, and Jaida got picked up an hour early! Hooray!
6. Gaven's birthday was on Sunday and I still haven't mailed him his gift. Having one car stinks sometimes.
7. Peyton has a tooth!! It's one of her top front teeth.
8. Jacob came over to play today. Getting three 11 month old babies to sit beside each other and look at the camera is impossible, at least for me. Notice that each child has something in their lap or hands to distract them from crawling away. ha.
9. We're going to start transitioning to whole milk soon. I'm ready...Peyton, not so much.
10. I'm happy to report that Peyton took 2 good naps today. yay! I hope putting her to bed tonight is much easier than last night. It always takes her a couple days to get back on schedule after a busy weekend.
Can you believe it?!? Next month my baby will be ONE! Wow!!
She is talking so much, I think. Well, at least trying to. Her latest words are "baby", "uh oh" "bye" and "no". Today at the zoo it sounded like she was trying to repeat the word "monkey", and she also tried saying "out" when Cory was telling Dig to get out of her room. She's a genius. :) Though she doesn't say "Peyton" as much as she used to. Now when she looks in the mirror or at pictures of herself she says "da da". She is a little stinker, but thankfully she doesn't have full blown tantrums. She definitely responds to Cory's firm voice more than mine. She loves to fake laugh/forced laugh, and its so adorable! Everyday is more fun than the last. She is standing by herself more frequently and for longer periods of time, but she still hasn't mastered it yet. She is still toothless, and I love it. :) I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing teeth this month though! I can't really think of anything else that is new from last months update. So I'll just move on to pictures from the zoo!
We went an hour before the zoo closed so there was like 4 families there, and the splash pad was completely empty. Usually when we go there are kids running all over the place, so she doesn't have a chance to play in the water. We weren't prepared, but we wanted to see how she reacted to the water. She was a little cautios at first, but after a couple minutes she was crawling all over the place chasing the water. It was so funny because every time she left a spout water would shoot out, so she would turn around and go back to it, but then it was coming out of another hole. Does that make sense?
This is when we brought her over the the higher spouts and we were afraid they were going to shoot up in her face, so Cory was trying to block it. It was never a problem though.
Naked baby. Good thing is was so warm because her sippy cup leaked in her bag, and got her spare onesie wet. Isn't she the cutest!
Today is my nephew's 6th birthday! Happy birthday, Gaven! I love you!!
Oh, and I'll post the 4th of July pictures soon, I promise. We had a ton of fun!