Wednesday, April 29, 2009

outside pool time

I thought I'd post a picture of our front yard so you can see all our weeds. ha.
Yesterday I let the girls "swim". Jaida hated it, but Peyton loved it. Peyton is happy always, so I wasn't surprised. If you click on the pictures they'll show up bigger on the screen and you'll be able to see Peyton's booger, and sweet potatoes on her face.  : ) Oh well, she still is super cute!

Poor Jaida. Hopefully she won't hate the pool all summer because I plan on taking them outside a lot. I took her out of the pool, but only after I snapped a couple of pictures. I let her play with a bucket of water on a towel and she enjoyed that. 


Steph said...

Oh little Jaida. Reminds me of Noah in the hatred of water. I'm glad Peyton loves it! That way when you come in August we can go to the pool!

haiza said...

OMG! She really did not like that water. Peyton is so cute! I love how bright and sunny all the pics turned out.

hillary said...

haha jaida's face is awesome in the last picture.

Steph said...

What's on Peytons bathing suit?

Peyton's Pages said...

Peyton's bathing suit is Hawaiian flowers and palm tree branches. My mom bought it for her from Old Navy last year for like 4 dollars.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness! So cute! Poor can you not love water? I'm glad Jordan loves it, she wouldn't be mine if she didn't lol

candace said...

I love Peyton's hat...