I know most of these pictures are blurry, sorry. I don't really have anything new and exciting to write about. I took these last night, and I probably won't keep any of them. I just thought I'd share Peyton's newest look, sporting the headband she got for Easter from her GG and Grampy. Oh and I'm not sure if you've noticed that she no longer has earrings. One of her ears got infected so we took them out. We're not planning on getting her ears pierced again until she asks for it. It was way too traumatic for ME.

she loves life! its great.
cute! So sad for the infected ears :(. Too bad she couldn't keep them. I love te fact that my ears have been done since I have months old and they have never closed. I think I'm a rare case from what I've heard.
Way too cute! That's a big ol bummer about the ears. I couldn't even imagine watching my baby go through that. Ouch!
Oh no! No earrings :( and she was my insparation for Jordans being done :( So sad :(
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