Thursday, May 5, 2011


For my mom's 50th birthday we went to Disneyland. We drove down on Tuesday morning, got settled into our hotel, met up with my cousins, and headed to the park.

I promise they were excited about Disneyland! HA! Getting 5 kids to look at the camera, especially when they know Disneyland is just outside their door, is almost impossible. After about 20 tries I gave up. 

Ollie enjoying some watermelon while the other kids pick out hats at the Mad Hatter on Main St.

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Gaven sporting his Rastafari hat.

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Robert wearing his Goofy hat and checking out where we are going to go next.

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Noah cracking up at Ollie.
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Our little family

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My little guy and me... with the same size heads. ha.

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We met Pluto first

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Then Mickey... which was also the last. ha. Not because she didn't love the characters just because we never anticipated getting sick!

Can you see Peyton in the corner? She couldn't believe she was meeting Mickey Mouse! She was shy, but so excited, and totally happy.
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So proud to me with Mickey Mouse!
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Our first ride! I rode with Gaven, so there isn't a picture of us. My dad stayed with Noah and Rem, Ollie and Riley headed over to the Snow White ride.

Peyton and Cory
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Robert and my mom
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We were stoked to meet up with Haiza and Angela. Ang even watched Noah for us while we rode the Buzz Lightyear ride! Thanks, Ang! 

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Other rides of the day included: Thunder Moutain, It's a Small World, and The Woody Ride (at California Adventures). We had dinner at a BBQ place that night, and we are still unsure if that's what did us in the next day.

Wednesday, my mom's actual birthday, everyone was sick except for my mom and I. Well, I ended up getting sick that evening, but mine only lasted about 5 hours while we were at Disneyland. It did revisit a few days later though. What a sad way to spend your birthday. The only advantage was being able to throw the puke ridden towels outside of the door. I felt bad for the cleaners. I wanted to write an apology letter. Our rooms were gross. 

My poor mom ended up getting sick on Thursday. Everyone else seemed to be feeling better, so we hit the parks again.

The first order of business was getting something into our stomachs and seeing if it would stay there. 

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My dad, the little kids, and I hung out by the lockers will Cory took Gaven and Robert on the rapid ride. I keep wanting to call it Thunder Rapids, but I'm pretty sure that's at Magic Mountain.
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Gaven finishing his frozen lemonade after the ride.
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It turns out that Peyton still wasn't feel well. She slept almost the entire time. Poor thing wanted to go on Dumbo so bad. You can tell in this picture she isn't feeling well.
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Right as the ride operator was telling us they were going to start the ride Peyton told me she was going to throw up, so I grabbed her and hopped off. :(

Riley standing in line for Nemo.
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Peyton would wake up feeling a little better at times, so she did get to enjoy a few things: The Tikki Room, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid Carousel, and Nemo... hmmm, I think that might be it.

My dad was given 10 express passes, so Cory and I took Gaven and Robert on all the rides they wanted to go on. It was great, we were able to go through the exit and get right on the ride without having to wait in line. 

We went on the Matterhorn twice, Pirates of the Carribean (Noah loved it. Peyton was sleeping in the stroller), the Woody ride twice, a couple of rides in Toon Town (I was pretty bummed that Peyton slept the entire time we were there. I know she would have loved it), the rapid ride three times, Soaring Over California... I'm sure there are more, but my memory fades me.

So while it wasn't the Disney trip anyone would have chosen we still were able to have some fun...well, maybe not so much my mom...

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Krista said...

Cute! Bummer everyone was sick, but at least you got to have one day together.

Haiza said...

Love the pictures! And So excited that we got to spend some time with you guys. :)