I love seeing how much she has changed this year, so first I'll throw in a couple of last year's swimming in Idaho pictures. We went at the end of July last year.
Poor Peyton, Eli loved it bite her hair when she was sitting on the pool step. I'm pretty sure she is saying, "Nooo, Elliiii".
Lounging on the step. Though covered in sunscreen, I was a little less paranoid about sun exposure. No hat this year.

She could swim all over the pool wearing this getup, but this is the only day she would wear it though. She preferred playing with toys standing on the baja shelf.
See how there is a large space of shallow water? It's perfect for toddlers.
Relaxing with cousin, Ollie, after a fun day of swimming. Seeing Ollie as buzz light year, and Peyton as an alien makes me smile. I love that they love girly things, and stuff that would be considered boy things.
She really has changed a lot. She's such a little girl now and not a little baby! Crasy. Is that Auntie Pocahontas? She's so pretty.
Awwww... I remember her last year in the pool. She wasn't as sure as she is now! Thanks Krista, you are way too sweet =) don't know if I still qualify for Auntie Pocahontas... maybe her older, bigger aunt... haha!
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