How far along: 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pound gain
Maternity clothes: I'm wearing one pair of maternity pants. They're too big, but the elastic waist is fantastic. I can still fit into a pair of my "fat" pants. I'm still wearing regular shirts, but hopefully the weather will warm up soon so I can wear my maternity tops. They're all pretty much tank tops.
Sleep: I've been staying up until at least 10pm on most nights. If I'm not feeling well I'll go to bed earlier, and somedays I'll take a nap. I wake up a few times a night to go to the bathroom, and it takes me forever to fall back asleep. I'm pretty much in a constant state of feeling tired.
Best moment this week: Heard the baby's heartbeat this morning. My doctor found it right away. It was nice and strong at 143.
Gender: I find out in 3 weeks!
Movement: I'm pretty sure I'm feeling the baby move. There wasn't one definite time that I just knew it was the baby like I felt with Peyton.
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender so we can name him/her.
Food cravings: No cravings.
What I miss: Living in California, but that has nothing to do with being pregnant. ha.
Words Of Wisdom: I don't have any words of wisdom. I did want to say that I can drink milk without throwing up again. yay!
Sorry this picture is so horrible. I keep forgetting to ask Cory to take one. I don't always look this big. I'm stuffed from lunch.

Look at that belly! Yay for just 4 pounds gained. That's really good, Kim!
Cute! And California misses you. :)
That's awesome for just 4 pounds! I hope to do the same for the next child. Who knows I like food too much ( it's a love/hate relationship). You are such a freakin cute pregnant lady! I'm so overjoyed for you guys!!!!!! Ahhh! :) Too much excitement at once, sorry. :)
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