I'm taking Erica's advice and entering Peyton's picture in the i heart faces contest. This week the topic is "hats". Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. Just visit their blog and to find out next weeks topic. Thanks for introducing me to this site, Erica!
So here it is. My first entry. Sweet little Peyton, 9 months old.

That's great! I hope you win. Are you going to do pictures of Peyton with her P?
I don't think I will win. There were 500 other entries when I entered this morning, but thank you! : )
I did take pictures with her P. I just haven't put them on my computer.
yay you did it! i've been having a lot of fun on this site. not only do they have this contest but they give photoshop tutorials and photography advice. i really love this pic of your sweetie. i haven't won any of my other 2 entries but i don't care, it's just fun!
have I mentioned that she is freakin adorable?!!?!
Great entry! You made it just in time and I'm so glad you did. She is such a beauty.
I absolutely love this picture! :-) Your little girl is so cute - mine is almost 8 months old so they are close in age and my sweet girl has that same hat! :-)
this is too sweet.
Great picture, she's beautiful....
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