Friday, May 29, 2009

Pool time fun

We finally had a rain free day, so I took the girls outside so they could go "swimming". Once again Peyton loved it, and Jaida was not digging it at all. I don't understand how a baby can hate the water so much. I'm glad my daughter enjoys being in water because I am a huge fan! 


Doesn't that look so refreshing? I so would have been in the water too, if the pool wasn't the size of a 1 ounce, and a bean.

feet splashing

This girl loves life! She has such joy in her heart.



Poor girl. You'll probably see a picture of Jaida like this every time I take them outside to get in the pool. I won't give up on her. : ) Hopefully she'll start to like the water sometime this summer.


I totally doused them in sunscreen. These babies will not get sun burned on my watch.


Peyton didn't have to swim alone for too long. Her friend, and next door neighbor, Jacob, came over to join in on the fun.


Jacob was born 4 days after Peyton.




Jaida watched from the sidelines, at least she was happy.


It's fun having babies around that are so close to Peyton's age. Even though they are all reaching the same milestones around the same time, and making the same sounds and faces their personalities are SO different. Peyton is definitely the coolest, but I'm not biased at all. : )


Tomorrow we leave for Memphis! Woohoo! Can't wait to lounge by the pool! I hope the car ride goes well. I'm not too worried though. I'm sure if Peyton gets fussy Aimee will climb in the back and keep her happy. When Peyton was a newborn Aimee used to walk her all around the house, and bounce her on my exercise ball. I could always count on her to relieve me from a fussy newborn. I'm sure I'll have pictures from our trip to share, so come back Monday to check them out! If you think about it will pray for traveling mercies for us? See ya.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

ten on tuesday!

1. When Peyton was a newborn I used to call her thug because she always looked so seriously or angry in pictures.  9 months later she is still so gangsta', frilly tank top sleeves and all. : )


2. I have to confess that I have already fallen off the wagon. While Cory was gone Peyton and I went to Target and I bought her a new toy. ::sigh:: She needed it though. : ) It's a Fisher Price, Little People ride on car. She hasn't figured out how to push and walk with it yet, she pulls it in towards her. However, she looves to be pushed around the house on it. 






3. I hardly ever use our p&s camera to take pictures. Peyton is so not used to the flash. ha. 


4. Last Thursday I met up with Jaida's mom, and we took the girls to the zoo. 

Look at my big girl checking out the kangaroos or the grass. ha.




We left a little later than I had hoped, and our trip was right in the middle of the girl's nap time. They both knocked out in their strollers. It was the first time Peyton had fallen asleep in her stroller, I'm glad I know it's possible.


Doesn't she look so sweet with head propped up on her hand! Awwww...


5. Cory snapped this picture of Peyton a couple Sundays ago. We both needed to get ready for church so I popped in a video for her. I think this is definitely slide show material for her wedding. : )


6. This morning.


7. It feels like it's been raining here all month. Somedays I love it, somedays I don't.

8. Yesterday we went to the Galleria, so I could get my eyebrows threaded, and I was so sad to see that the cart had closed. : ( 

9. Peyton took about a 30 minute nap this morning, and then played in her crib for an hour. I kept waiting for her to go back to sleep, but she never did. When I finally went in to get her I discovered that she had a poopy diaper. Oops, sorry kid.

10. Aimee, Peyton and I are meeting Candace and Hillary in Memphis this weekend. Can't wait! 

Monday, May 25, 2009

Getting so big

Cory was out of town this weekend because he was in a friend's wedding. He got home around 11:30pm last night. I always check on Peyton before I go to bed, and take her blanket out of her crib. She was laying on top of it, but I thought I could slowly pull it out from underneath her. Not so much, she woke up, so I got her out to go see Cory. She was so cute! She smiled a little shy smile or a tired smile. ha. : ) We let her stay up for a few minutes and she just kept looking at Cory, putting her hand on his cheat, laying on him, kicking him, and saying "dada". So sweet! This morning she woke up saying "dada". I love her. It's so much fun watching grew into a little girl, with a memory and the ability to miss. ha. : )


I hope you all enjoy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Missing home

Saw this video on a blog I frequent. Made me really miss home. You know cause my friends and I used to do this every weekend. ha. August can't come soon enough!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Owie

Peyton is pulling up on anything and everything, well trying to at least, Jaida doesn't always work out. Her favorite thing to climb is me. Yesterday she was trying to stand on me, and she hit her face on my knee. Poor baby. She cried for maybe 30 seconds. She is so tough, but I suppose all babies are. I guess they haven't figured out how to milk owies for all they're worth. Her bump was gone by the time Cory got home from work.  I wish I would have gotten a picture of the first time she was standing in her crib. She looked so cute! Her little chubby arms were just dangling over the edge and she was sucking on the crib bar. I'm glad she doesn't have teeth yet because I don't have anything to protect the rail from being eaten. I suppose I should be on the look out for one, but it seems as though Peyton will never have teeth. ha. I certainly don't mind right now! I'll be looking for those teeth once she's weaned though. Baby teeth are super cute, unless they're super spaced and bucked. ha. 

Here she is with her battle wound.


blue eyes, and owie

weird face/owie

Playing with her favorite toy. Love the bunny booty. : )

bunny booty

rf play

And one of Jaida just for funzies.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Lunch break at the Park

On Thursday Peyton and I met Cory for lunch at the park. It started raining when we got there, but only lasted about 2 minutes. We had fun even though it was a short trip. It's nice to get out of the house especially after having a loooong week with Jaida.
Peyton and mommy

Chubby hands

Peyton and daddy


little feet


arm around dad




Thursday, May 14, 2009

Should I stay or should I go?

Visit us HERE. I just can't decide if I want to move the blog or not. ::sigh:: I still need to warm  up to wordpress. But I did write a new post. Clickity click here Should I stay or should I go?

I never want to forget

[caption id="attachment_17" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Just woke up"]I never want to forget what Peyton looks like when she first wakes up from her nap. I love her blank and peaceful stare. I love how her cheeks get pink, and the way her hair just gets a little sweaty and stuck to the side of her head. She is just too sweet!Just woke up[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_18" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="pink cheeks"]pink cheeks[/caption]

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hooray for wordpress

I decided to make the move.

What's a post without a picture? This is currently my favorite picture of Peyton. Doesn't she look so sweet! Love her!

Sweet baby
Sweet baby

Monday, May 11, 2009

I finally have a not me monday

I have been following Mckmama's blog for a while. She does a blog carnival called Not me! Mondays, it's a chance for mom's to confess things they "did not" do. This is my first time joining in on the fun.

Peyton and I went to the zoo last week to celebrate her 9 month birthday. When we got to the zoo Peyton had a poopy diaper. I decided to just change her in the back of the Jeep so I didn't have to stand in line and wait for the stall with the changing table. I most certainly did not have to pour some of Peyton's water from her sippy cup on to a burp cloth and use that to clean her bottom. I would never forget to pack wipes. I am always prepared, and have my ducks in a row.

The other day Cory, Peyton and I went to Target to spend my gift card money that I received for mother's day from Cory's parents. I did not realize that I had my pants on inside out as we were walking through the doors. Who puts their pants on inside out? I for one have not, would not, could not. I also have not had to ban myself from Target. I have complete self control when going to Target, and never leave the store with a new outfit or toy for Peyton. 

On Saturday Tony  took family pictures of us at the Botanical Gardens. When he jokingly said to stick Peyton in a log I did not swoop my daughter up and stick her legs through a log hole. Old logs are dirty, and who knows why kind of creepy crawlers are hiding in there. I would never subject my baby to the unknown of a hollow log. You will not find incredible cuteness below.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

9 month appointment

Peyton had a great appointment! We switched pediatricians. The office is brand new, and so much nicer than the one we went to before. The staff was so much better too. I loved the two nurses Peyton had, and her doctor is great!! 

Of course everyone thought Peyton was adorable, and super sweet. She smiled at everyone, and didn't even cry when she got her shots! She got one in each leg, and the nurses did it at the same time. Peyton did make a sad face, but it was so quick that as soon as I picked her up she was smiling at the nurses. The doctor was very pleased with her. She asked if Peyton was always this easy going, and I said yes, thanks to my great parenting. : ) jk. 

I loved going to the doctor when I was pregnant because my doctor always said everything was perfect and I was in great shape. She didn't even hate on the 50 pounds I gained. Probably because I was so awesome in everything else. Haha! JK But now I love taking Peyton to the doctor because she is so healthy and always has a perfect stamp of approval. Ha. Ridiculous I know, but it's true. It just makes me feel good. I know she's bound to get sick one of these days, but for now I will just brag.

Now for the stats:
Weight: 19lbs 4 oz I think this was the 90th percentile . She said a little above average, but I didn't see the actual could have been 75%
Height: 28 3/4 inches 75%
Head: 181/4 inches and I think this was in the 90th percentile as well. 

I was actually surprised. I thought for sure Peyton was at least 20 pounds. She's still a big girl, but she's definitely slowing down.

And if this post didn't have enough AWing here are two more things that make my heart grow and sing.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I heart faces -week 17 "hats"

I'm taking Erica's advice and entering Peyton's picture in the i heart faces contest. This week the topic is "hats".  Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun. Just visit their blog and to find out next weeks topic. Thanks for introducing me to this site, Erica!

So here it is. My first entry. Sweet little Peyton, 9 months old.