We finally had a rain free day, so I took the girls outside so they could go "swimming". Once again Peyton loved it, and Jaida was not digging it at all. I don't understand how a baby can hate the water so much. I'm glad my daughter enjoys being in water because I am a huge fan!

Doesn't that look so refreshing? I so would have been in the water too, if the pool wasn't the size of a 1 ounce, and a bean.

This girl loves life! She has such joy in her heart.

Poor girl. You'll probably see a picture of Jaida like this every time I take them outside to get in the pool. I won't give up on her. : ) Hopefully she'll start to like the water sometime this summer.

I totally doused them in sunscreen. These babies will not get sun burned on my watch.

Peyton didn't have to swim alone for too long. Her friend, and next door neighbor, Jacob, came over to join in on the fun.

Jacob was born 4 days after Peyton.

Jaida watched from the sidelines, at least she was happy.
It's fun having babies around that are so close to Peyton's age. Even though they are all reaching the same milestones around the same time, and making the same sounds and faces their personalities are SO different. Peyton is definitely the coolest, but I'm not biased at all. : )
Tomorrow we leave for Memphis! Woohoo! Can't wait to lounge by the pool! I hope the car ride goes well. I'm not too worried though. I'm sure if Peyton gets fussy Aimee will climb in the back and keep her happy. When Peyton was a newborn Aimee used to walk her all around the house, and bounce her on my exercise ball. I could always count on her to relieve me from a fussy newborn. I'm sure I'll have pictures from our trip to share, so come back Monday to check them out! If you think about it will pray for traveling mercies for us? See ya.