1. We bought some bows for Peyton a couple days ago. I think they look ridiculous and cute all at the same time. I'm sure I'll look back on these pictures and say, "what the heck was I thinking putting a bow on her fuzzy head". Ha. The first picture is blurry because she was about to fall over, I wish it was in focus because she's totally working the camera. : )
2. Peyton has gone from being lured to sleep by the vacuum to being terrified of it. Sad. The house only gets vacuumed if one of us is holding her now.
3. Today I met with a lady and her little girl to see about doing childcare for her. It looks good to go....well, once she get's a job. She is hoping to get one of the nursing jobs at the hospital near us. I'm excited about it. The little girl was born Aug.12th, and she seems like a pretty easy baby, plus it's only 3 days a week. Pray that the mom gets a job quickly, so I can have a job quickly!
4. I have puppy fever.
5. Peyton loves to refuse naps now, and it's so sad seeing her cry, but I let her. It's very obvious that she needs her sleep.
6. Wednesday night we're doing our taxes, and I'm very excited about it! Cory keeps reminding me to not get my hopes up, and to just be thankful if we only get 50 bucks back.
7. I really don't like Peyton's new car seat and she doesn't either. I found the car seat that I really wanted for only 50 dollars more than the one she has now, so we're going to see about returning it this weekend. This is the one I want to get 

8. My mom's dog had 4 puppies, so if you're looking for a Yorkie give her a call!
9. I want to be a children's portrait photographer some day. And then when we go on the missions field Cory could write awesome articles and I could take great photos and we could publish a magazine. You know, every missionaries dream is to publish a magazine in a third world country. I just thought I'd let you all know.
10. Here's a big one! Peyton had solids for the first time! She loved trying her organic carrots, though you can't tell by the look on her face. She didn't eat much, but it was pretty fun.
Wow...whats your moms #?
the last picture is the best face evaar!
Ha! Love it...
haha nice pictures. love her sexy pose in the first one, leaning up on her mom. i like her fuzzy headed bows. funny.
I love how you said you wouldn't get a high chair. Ha! Did you puree the carrots or did you give in and buy them?
My cousin sent me the highchair, and I bought the carrots. I read somewhere not to make your own carrots because of something that's in them or on them or something. I plan on making the rest of her food though.
gosh she's so cute
I love when you have babies how people give you things you wouldn't buy! Let me know how it goes when you try making some baby food!
I have puppy fever too :(
Love her green and yellow outfit!
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