Friday, November 4, 2011

halloween candy eating

Saw this on fb:

So, I tried it with Peyton.


Steph said...

That's awesome. I love her reaction. You're doing a good job when your child doesn't care about candy enough to get mad that you ate it all. Ha.

Hillary said...

i saw that first video too. my favorites were the last kids. ha, funny peyton could care less.

Peyton's Pages said...

I loved those little guys, too! Sneaky mom. My favorite part was when the little one said two plus two equals five, and the brother told him he was close.

Erica said...

peyton is a crack up. i kinda wanna try it with the boys LOL the ones at the end were my favorite too!!!

Haiza said...

Video #1 - The big kid that punched the wall...out of control.
The 2 kids at the end....hilarious!

Video #2 - You're kids are awesome! I mean she cared more about the picture than the candy. Guess her mom is a photographer ;-)

Holly said...

Hahahaha! Peyton is looking so grown up and sounds so grown up! She's a good healthy girl. And the boys in the video are hysterical. My fave part was when the brother got the math problem wrong, too. And when he said, "good for you, you'll probably have a belly ache now." lol