Talk about time flying. I think that was a record fast weekend. It went by too quickly, but it was good.
Saturday we headed up to Trussville to have lunch with Erin, Chad and the youth kids from Cory's parent's church that went to convention. On our way home we stopped at The Summit to see Cory's parents. Peyton enjoyed a brownie while shopping in Talbots. We also checked out the new ipads at the Mac store. I've been telling myself that mine is just as good, but man... Our next stop was Buy Buy Baby to buy Noah a pair of shoes. I totally scored and got some pedipeds for 10 dollars! They were 50% off plus I had a $5 coupon. Can I get a what, what!? Then a quick stop at Sonic to fill Cory's raging animal craving, and then headed to a landscaping store to check out flagstone, which they didn't have, drove to another, and it was closed. :( Oh well. I dropped off Cory and Peyton, then Noah and I headed to the thrift store, and Lowes. I have been looking for a mirror for the kids' room with no such luck. I found two pictures for $7 each, and decided to use those instead. I'll keep stalking the thrift store though because I think a mirror will make the room feel a little bigger. Our Lowes trip was somewhat of a fail, too. They didn't have the plants I wanted, and I had to settle for just an okay light fixture for our eat in kitchen area. I'm happy though, I think it looks much better! I did find a color I really liked to spray paint the frames. I'll post pictures of their room soon because it's as finished as its going to get in this house. Busy Saturday!
We skipped church on Sunday, I know, shame on us. We had to get the house ready for a showing. Cory hung the new light, and drew alien pictures to replace the pictures that were in the frames from the thrift store. I had to go to Target to get Noah wipes, oatmeal, and light bulbs. Target sucks me in, and I never leave with only the items on my list. I also bought a valance for the kids' room, and a new shower curtain(totally justified because it was on clearance, and it makes our bathroom feel brighter and cleaner). :) We tagged teamed and cleaned the house pretty quickly. We went to Moe's (Thanks, Erin for Cory's gift card!) for a late lunch, so we would be out when the peeps came to look at our house. The business card was actually from a broker not a realtor; not sure what that's all about. I hope they leave feedback. When we got home the kids went straight to their beds. Peyton had a very hard time listening at lunch, so I was so ready to relax while she rested. I spent my time playing words with friends, browsing home decor blogs, and watching Prison Break. I am such a multi tasker. :) Cory played WOW. Then it was a quick trip to the park, dinner, kids in bed, more prison break, blog browsing, words with friends, and wow, then bed. And boom goes the dynamite, the weekend is over.
So there you have it, a whole lot of blah, blah, blah. To make up for my rambling: