1. I realize that today is Wednesday, but I started this yesterday.
2. It was so great having Krista here for a week. She left yesterday, and I'm bummed. Back to long days at home with the kids, and no adult interaction.
3. Krista came bearing gifts. Noah got new pacifiers, and a super cute "little brother" onesie. I got a bar of peppermint goat milk soap. I love it!! My hands are always so dry because I was them a million times a day. The goat milk soap leaves them nice and soft. Peyton got a sock money. She's so cleaver, and named it Krista. :P
She brought it to the zoo, but kept abandoning it for sticks, and leaves. Poor little Krista monkey.
2. It was so great having Krista here for a week. She left yesterday, and I'm bummed. Back to long days at home with the kids, and no adult interaction.
3. Krista came bearing gifts. Noah got new pacifiers, and a super cute "little brother" onesie. I got a bar of peppermint goat milk soap. I love it!! My hands are always so dry because I was them a million times a day. The goat milk soap leaves them nice and soft. Peyton got a sock money. She's so cleaver, and named it Krista. :P
She brought it to the zoo, but kept abandoning it for sticks, and leaves. Poor little Krista monkey.
4. We ate way too much junk while she was here.
5. She got me addicted to the game Plants Vs. Zombies.
6. It was so nice having her entertain Peyton while I fed Noah, and holding Noah while I finished up something with Peyton or well, you know, played Plants vs. Zombies. :)
7.. Our first adventure was the zoo. Peyton and Krista were quick pals.
A few random animals, and a pretty tree.
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8. Adventure #2 was the pumpkin patch.
Peyton refused to hold Noah. She said she didn't want him as a brother because she had Boots for a brother. Notice how she is sticking Boots in front of him. Aww... how can she resist him? Look at his sweet, cute, chubby face!!
On the hay ride driving out to the patch, so excited! It was the Cotton Festival at Old Baker's Farm that day, and they had a civil war reenactment. They came running through the woods shooting their guns. It was pretty fun.
Picking out Peyton's pumpkin was a hot, long, and tiring experience. She wanted a "tiny little pumpkin", so Cory and I treked all across the pumpkin patch looking for one. All the pumpkins we pointed out were not good enough. I did find a tiny pumpkin, but it was white. "No, an orange one", said Peyton. Finally we found one that she could carry, and Cory and I both got excited, and said, "It's a Peyton pumpkin! Yay!", and she totally went for it. She would have been fine looking for a pumpkin all day because Cory was carrying her. She said it was, "too high stepping". Oh, and we didn't even end up getting the pumpkin. While Krista and I went searching for her pumpkin I found a smaller one for Peyton.
I edited these w/ PW's vintage. The pictures were horrible because of the sun, but I wanted to show you them because I think they're funny. I really wanted to get a cute picture of Peyton holding her pumpkin, but she was so over it. She kept dropping the pumpkin on purpose, so I took her Boots, and then told her I'd give him back if she smiled. Such a mean mommy, and the pictures didn't even come out good.

Notice the tank top. The cool morning didn't last long. We were all pretty hot, tired, and hungry, so we packed it up after Peyton tried out these two fun toys, and headed to Cracker Barrel.

9. Adventure #3
Trying to get pictures of the kids together in their Halloween costumes. There is no way I would have been able to do this on my own. I really wanted to get a picture of Noah sitting in Peyton's lap, but she refused, and I wasn't going to try to force her because I'm pretty sure Noah would have been face down in the dirt. She did give him kisses after I bribed her with fruit snacks. I was very thankful that Krista helped me wrangle, prop up, quickly pull out pacifiers, and carry the kids.
10. Wow, that was long. Thanks for coming, Krista! Who's next? Make sure it's in the fall or spring. I kind of feel like Hillary was ripped off when she visited because it was a billion degrees, and I was so hugely pregnant that I just lounged around. The one day that we did go out and do something she was attacked by mosquitos. Sorry, Hillary.