Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10 on Tuesday.

1. My daughter is a genius. Seriously, she is so smart. This morning she was eating breakfast, and I was in another room, and she was being really quiet so I went to check on her. She had her milk cup upside down in her lap, and she was just staring at it. Then she looked up at me and said, "circle", and then pointed to the polk dots on her pajamas, and said, "circle". I was so, so impressed, and very excited. I brought her in the playroom and handed her her shape sorter. ha. I always point out circles to her because she can say the word, but I didn't know she actually understood what it was, and could find them on her own. Maybe she's not a genius, but I was very impressed and quite proud!

2. I'm bummed out that the Angels didn't make it to the World Series. Go Phillies!

3. Peyton is "reading" a book right now, and she called a palm tree a flower. so maybe... ha.

4. Last week was so long, and the weekend went by way too fast.

5. Publix subs are my favorite!

6. The Biggest Loser is on tonight! I can't wait to see what drama unfolds. ha. I really do love the show. It's very inspiring. I don't know why I am always eating something unhealthy while I watching it though.

7. Peyton seems to be feeling much better. yay!

8. It's so funny to look back at pictures of Peyton, and see her fuzzy head with a bow in it. ha. Remember when I used to clip them in the back of her head. haha.


9. A year ago:



10. Today








steph said...

Wow, her hair is getting so long! There's no doubt you have a genius on your hands there Kim!

kristawilbur said...

I think she's very smart, and developmentally it's normal that she called a palm tree a flower. The way a little kid's mind learns is through schemas, so her schema of what makes something a flower is that it's got a long stem, and things that stick out to the side like that... like both a flower and a palm tree has. It's why a little kid will learn the word "dog" and then call anything with four legs and a tail a dog, or why a little kid will say that a boy with long hair is a girl or a girl with short hair is a boy (those are called gender schemas). As they get older, they refine these schemas so that eventually, a palm tree and a flower are different.

cory said...

waaaaamp waaaaaaamp! :-/

kimberlysayre said...

I know she's very smart. I was just pointing the flower/ palm tree thing because I was being an AW over the circle thing.

Krista said...

I know you weren't bashin' yo' baby... I just think it's interesting how kids' minds work and thought I'd share! :) (PS She's pretty stinkin' cute, too.)

kimberlysayre said...

haha "bashin' yo' baby" when I first read this I thought you said/wrote "brainwashing", and then I was going to talk about how it's not the first time you've called me a brainwasher.

Krista said...

Haha, I do believe I used the term "brainwashing" with you in the past... but no longer, friend. That ship has sailed!!! :)

Haiza said...

I miss Publix Subs. They really are great!
When I watch the Biggest Loser I find myself eating something unhealthy as well while i"m getting inspire. :)

hillary said...

whats AW?

Ash said...

Omg look at all the hair! I'm so jealous! Jordan is bald still, well pretty much. I love those P.J's, dots are my fave. I need to update my blog lol, maybe tomorrow ;)