Krista is leaving today, so sad. We've been having a lot of fun. We never made it to the beach, couldn't find an apple farm, and got rained out of the pumpkin patch. We did manage to go to the botanical gardens though. Peyton had a lot of fun playing with Krista while I played with my camera. :)
Picture overload!!!

No thanks...
Outfit change...

Ready, set, hike...

Round and round the garden like a teddy bear
one step, two step
tickle you
under there.

We DID make cinnamon rolls and brownies, so my visit wasn't a total loss.
PS Your baby is really cute. And I love when she makes the noise that a horise makes.
My favorite is the second to last picture. It looks like she's getting ready to bust a move.
OMG so cute! I should take J to our BG in SB...
Just stumbled on your blog from a Nest post of yours and had to comment!
We have a Peyton too and she's one day older than yours! How fun!
We're in Bham also. Love the botanical gardens shots! We got Peyton's one year pics taken there!
What?!?! Wow, that's crazy...and very cool! Do have a blog?
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