Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Check this out
Check this is out: I got this California shirt at Old Navy for $1.00 Makes her momma proud representing the golden state.
Checking out the birds at the zoo.
Check this out: Look who finally thought a pacifier was a good idea.
She wasn't really sucking on it. She was chomping on it like crazy. I think she looks so cute with a pacifier. I'm glad I won't have to wean her from one though.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
10 on tuesday!
1. Here is Peyton with her "lovey". Cory and I take turns checking on Peyton when she sleeps with this bunny, and we both always come out saying "go look at her, she looks so cute", seriously like every time.
2. I recently cleaned out Peyton's closet and put away the clothes that don't fit in storage. Cory thought it would be funny to pile the clothes on top of her and take a picture. Peyton's like, "very funny, dad".
3. No reason other than I have the cutest sleeping baby. : )
5. Don't stone me, but Peyton is watching Baby Einstein this very minute, and is totally smiling at the pictures of the babies. I have to find some way to blog, right?
6. The hardest part about being a parent, at least this far, is having enough self control not to buy every stinkin' cute outfit I see for Peyton, and recently I've been wanting to buy every toy in the store. If I had money...
7. I'm totally in a camera funk, and haven't taken any pictures recently, besides of her sleeping. I think it's because I printed some pictures from our printer and I had so many favorites I didn't know which ones to print. I guess I thought I needed to take a break, so I could have time to enjoy the pictures I already have. Does that make sense? I try to bust out of the funk though because I know you guys like looking at picture.
8. I went on a walk with Peyton around our neighborhood yesterday and decided to run part of it. yikes. I am so out of shape. She had a great time.
9. April cannot come soon enough!
10. I feel like this one should be really good, but I've got nothing. This week has gone by so fast that I forgot it was time for 10 on tuesday until I read Steph's blog.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Janie and Jack
We went to the summit today, and bought Peyton some clothes for next winter, and a couple things for this summer. We totally scored at Janie and Jack, we bought a jumper, sweater, tights ad hat that was marked way down, she is going to look sooo cute! I just home the outfit fits! We almost bought her a 30 dollar bathing suit, that was so cute, but we came to our senses. I hope it goes on sale soon though. One could go broke in that store! I'm ready for a change of season that brings a change of wardrobe. Can't wait for the summer dresses, tank tops, and shorts.
I promise my next blog will have pictures, and maybe even a video. : )
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I got nothing
I feel bad when I don't update everyday, but sometimes there isn't anything to write about. I haven't taken any pictures since saturday, so...
Oh, Peyton had prunes for the first time last night, and loved them. They looked nasty. So far she loves sweet potatoes, prunes, and likes bananas and carrots. She hated peas, but I think I quit too early, I think I'll try again next week. I was going to start making my own baby food, but I can't find the blade to my food grinder thing. What the heck, who loses the blade???
Also, my mom bought Peyton this bunny thing that has arms, a head, and then a blanket as a body, Peyton goes to sleep with it, and it's the cutest thing ever! I always take it out before I go to bed at night because I'm still scared she'll suffocate. One of these days I'll try to take a picture of her with it. Sometimes she'll have it tucked under her arm, or she'll be laying on the blanket part, or sometimes she's just holding the bunny's hand. love it. If she becomes super attached to it I hope we never lose it, because I don't think I can find another one.
Sorry these last few posts have been boring.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
10 on tuesday!
1. I love the way Peyton grabs my face and tries to bite me.
2. We really need to finish putting up crown molding in our house.
3. I'm so over the cold weather, but I know once summer comes I'll be hating the humidity, and super hot temperatures.
4. I watched the bachelor on line today, and now I really want to go to New Zealand.
5. I can't wait to find out who the bachelor ends up with!
6. Peyton is not even close to crawling.
7. I'm changing pediatricians
8. I need to go to the dentist, 4 years is too long.
9. I'm not a fan of going out to eat at restaurants, I'd so much rather go through the drive-thru. I'm a fast food junky.
10. Cory's slowly convincing me that St. Bernanrds are awesome, but I'm afraid that if we get one (someday) I'll hate it because they are big drooly messes!
Monday, February 16, 2009
A few more
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's pictures attempt 2
Valentine's Day
Yesterday we went to Wal-Mart, and Lowes, it may not sound exciting to you, but I was stoked about it. We bought paint for the our bedroom and the bathroom attached to the den. I'm still undecided if I'm going to scrape the ceiling in our bedroom, it's the last room in the house that needs it, but I don't think I care enough to have the mess, a backache ache and sore neck. Peyton got a new toy that she really likes. She's just now starting to really play with things. She scored for Valentine's day, lots of outfits and from my parents and Cory's parents, as well as a couple of pairs of shoes, sunglasses, headbands, and some money from her great Nana and Grandaddy.
Peyton was late for her afternoon nap yesterday, and then she woke up too early but instead of letting her fall back asleep I got her up so I could take some pictures before the sun went down. The first few she was crying; I'll share those tomorrow. This one is my favorite even though there are a ton of shadows in the background. I'll get better at my seamless paper.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
picture overload
I need some help with the family pictures. I'm not in love with any of them because of my chins, but such is life. Which group shots are your favorites? Click on the picture so you can see all the details.
What do you think of the processing on this picture? Too soft and faded or do you like it? I more of a color fan, but I don't know.

Yes, I know, you wish you had a baby that was as cute as mine, she is adorable. I love her little dimple!

These are always my favorite shots!

I love to give myself a little pinch while taking family photos, apparently.

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
She didn't make it
I don't know this family at all, but my heart is just breaking for them. Please don't stop praying, they need it now more than ever.
Friday, February 6, 2009
6 month stats
Well, Peyton is still a tall girl with a big head. : ) She is 27 inches long, 90-95%, her head circumference is 17 1/2 inches, 90-95%, and she weighs 17 lbs 13 1/2 ounces, which is the 75-80 percentile. She did not enjoy going to the doctor's at all! She cried when I put her on the scale, she cried when I laid her on the table to be measured, she cried when the she saw the doctor, and when he checked her ears, and of course she cried when she got 4 stinkin' shots! Her appointment was in the middle of her nap time, but I think she would have cried even if she was well rested. Poor little girl. She's being clingy and is definitely not her usual happy self, but that's to be expected with all that's been injected into her body, so I will hold her and rock her till the sun comes up if I have to. Baby Einstein seems to be doing the trick right now though. Am I a horrible mother for putting my 6 month old in front of the television while I blog about her day? probably. Sorry no pictures, I just don't feel like uploading any.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
6 months today!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
10 on tuesday!
1. There will be no pictures in this post because we got an external hard drive and they're all on that, and I don't feel like messing with it.
2. Cory got Mario Kart, and it is soo fun, but sooo frustrating.
3. Peyton is probably the easiest baby in the entire world, most of the time. She does have her crabby days, but not very often.
4. Peyton will pretty much tolerate everything, but her car seat.
5. We took Peyton's Alpha Omega back last weekend, and I was able to get the Britax Marathon. I hope she likes it. I'm super excited about it.
6. I order the next growing kids book, and I can't wait to get it.
7. I also have seamless paper coming in the mail, and can't wait to get that either!
8. My mom and dad bought Peyton 4 pairs of pedipeds, and I can't wait until those get here!
9. Our windshield is replaced, and hopefully our tire will be fixed on saturday. It will feel good to have our awesome car in tip top shape.
10. Yesterday we went to Old Navy and bought Peyton some super cute Valentines Dayish clothes, but I think I'm going to return them, because she has a closet full of clothes. The clothes are size 6-12 months, and the shoes are 0-3 months. I loves her little midget feet. Ha.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Peyton's first zoo visit
Saturday after we spent 4 stinkin' hours at the jeep dealership to get our valve on our tire fixed we went to the mall to get Peyton's ear's pierced. It was sooo sad. She cried big sad tears. This was like two minutes after she got it done. Can you tell I cried too? I'm still waiting for the feeling of being glad that I got them done.
This is her last picture without earrings, sitting in the waiting room at the car dealership. Funny how she looks more girly in this picture!
I got an annual zoo pass from Cory's parents for Christmas, and we finally went to the zoo yesterday. The weather was so nice, it felt like spring, but since it is still winter a lot of the animals were still hibernating.
This was my favorite little guy.
I know this picture is way overexposed, but I think Peyton's face is hilarious.
We did not dress Peyton like an animal so we could go to the zoo. This is the outfit she wore to church, and we went straight to the zoo. She's such a diva. : )
Oh and guess what, on our way home from the zoo our "fixed valve" started leaking like crazy! Thankfully we were very close to home. We pulled into the the intermediate school be our house, and Cory changed the tire. I decided to walk home with Peyton, so I could tidy up before Aimee and James came over. Cory managed to change the tire and go to Publix in the same amount of time it took for Peyton and I to get home. HA! Oh well, it was a good walk. So now our tire is completely flat. We are not very happy about that. Today we're getting the windshield replaced on the Jeep, they're coming to the house, hooray for that! I'm sure we'll be sitting in that dang waiting room of the jeep dealership this saturday getting our tire fixed. BOOOOOO!
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