He doesn't like the potty ring, but doesn't mind falling in. ha.

I hardly remember her this little.

2. I took our Christmas card pictures the other night. Trying to get a good picture of the kids together is not fun. I keep waiting for Noah to love the camera like Peyton, but I don't think its going to happen. I'm not going to share the picture yet, but here is one of Annie. I was never a fan of her breed, but I think she looks pretty cute in this picture.

3. Our "thankful tree". Peyton loves it. So far Noah is thankful for trucks and cars. Peyton is thankful for mommy and daddy, and the squirrel on the tree. ha. Most of the thankful trees that I've seen have a bare tree and then add a leaf each day. My tree making skills aren't so great, so it looks pretty hideous bare. We're keeping our leaves on, and just writing something we are thankful for each day.
This is Peyton being a squirrel. ha.

4. A couple of trick or treating pictures.

5. I'm pretty sure I have the slowest walking children ever. It took us a million hours to go to about 15 houses. Half way through our evening we met up with one of Peyton's friends that lives across the street, so that was fun for her.

6. Peyton's little halloween party at school:

She was chomping.

Peyton and her best buddy at school.

A little parade around church. She was the last one out of each classroom and office because she wanted to tell everyone that she was Bruce from Finding Nemo, and that "fish are friends, not food!"

Impossible to get all the kids happily looking at the cameras. ha.

7. I'm sad about the time change. Its no fun when you have little kids. Less light in the evenings, and earlier mornings.
8. Did I mention that Peyton kissed her friend from school because "he is so cute"?
9. We got Noah a twin bed. He kept falling out of his converted crib. I found his head underneath it with his legs sticking out crying hysterically in the middle of the night. He loves his bed. He was doing pretty good at taking naps at first. It only lasted a week. Then he learned how to open his closet and get all of his toys out. :( so sad. He knocks out in 2 seconds at bed time though. I can't remember if I mentioned that we took his pacifier away. I just wanted to throw that out there because I know I'll never be able to remember when he stopped using it.
10. Peyton developed a fear of the dark last week... or the week before. ha. My memory isn't so good these days. I'm not sure if it was all the halloween stuff or what, but she started freaking out over shadows. So we moved Annie's crate into her room, and got her a lamp. It seems to have done the trick.
1 comment:
Cute pictures of Noah on the pot and Halloween! I'm very excited to see what picture you used for your card this year!
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