Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ten on tuesday

1. I started the 30 day shred again. I'm really good at starting. I have yet to finish the entire 30 days. I think I made it to 20 something once. This time Cory is doing it with me. We alternate between shredding and running.

This little lady likes to do it too:

2. We like to balance our exercising out with a tasty donuts. At least we walked to get them instead of driving. :)

Kind of gross pictures, but what can ya do...

3. The other day we found a grasshopper.

It was all fun and games...

until bananny ate it. We had two screaming kids, and a very happy dog.

4. Noah is loving tee ball these days. Don't try to help him hold the bat correctly though.

He has his own style.

5. I wasn't even going to think about trying to potty train Noah until after Christmas, but... The other day he told me he had to poop, so I asked him if he wanted to sit on the potty. He said yes, so into the bathroom we went. He got on the potty and asked me to close the door. I came back a couple of minutes later, and was totally shocked to see that he actually went! I'm still a little scared to start full on potty training. That was all kinds of NOT FUN with Peyton. Worrying about accidents is way worse than having a 2 year old in diapers.

But, I did buy him a pack of boxer briefs, and he looks so cute!

He seems pretty interested, and I don't want to miss his window because he is so stubborn, so we'll see what happens. I'm definitely not going to stress over it though. I have enough to be stressed about.

6. There is a store near us called Fred Meyer. It's a store kind of like Target or Wal Mart. Ours happens to have a Starbucks in it, and free child care. Whoop, whoop! So, Cory and I took advantage of it and went on a date to Starbucks, and then did some grocery shopping in peace.

7. It rained the other day, and it was wonderful! We need rain so bad.

8. It's starting to get dark here by 8pm. When we left church on Friday night Peyton kept saying it was like being in California. ha. I guess she forgot what dark skies we like.

9. Today was "mom's day out" for the Little Steps program that Peyton is in. Once a month we have free child care from 12-4pm... a little thank you for volunteering at the church while the kids are in school. Cory happened to be off today, so we took advantage of that and went on a lunch date. Can you believe it, we got to go out twice in one week! We are always with the kids, so it was nice.

10. We went to AppleBee's for lunch, and had a server that was way too comfortable with us. She sat down next to me twice in the 40 minutes we were there. Once to vent and cuss about the two teenagers behind us that wrote her a rude note and didn't leave her a tip. And once to tell us how she loves when people bring in their kids, and how she just wants to squeeze and hold them, but is so thankful to work and get away from her bratty kids. What in the world? I'm just going to chalk it up to a really bad and stressful day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

ten on tuesday!

1. This morning I volunteered in the 2s class at our church. Noah has a little buddy in there that is 2 weeks younger than him, and its so cute watching them play.

2. We went apple picking this past Sunday, and had a great time. I've already made apple butter, and I'll probably make an apple pie tomorrow. We have a ton of apples, and a bunch of plums as well.

He's so cool!

3. I posted the pictures of our apple picking adventure on fb, but I'll post them tomorrow for you, Krista!

4. Here's Noah last year. :) He pretty much did the same thing this year, but was walking instead of crawling.

5. I feel like September has been dragging. Its been getting down into the 40s at night, so its cool in the morning, but our highs are still in the upper 80s. Saturday is supposed to be 91. I'm ready for cool afternoons, and the pumpkin patch! :)

6. We have some big chances happening soon though, so I don't want to wish these days away and have them go by too fast.

7. Peyton is loving school, and dance. She loves soccer practice, but can take or leave playing the games. Last week she was making shadow puppets while everyone else was running after the ball. ha. Her cute little team...

8. Noah loves cake. Tonight he asked for "cake sandwich". I love his little sentences. His new phrase is "how bout...." and then whatever it is he wants.

9. So happy that Parenthood is back on!

10. A couple of weeks ago we went to a reunion for Annie. It was lots of fun seeing so many of Annie's litter mates.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

color or black & white

I can't decide which edit I like better.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Noah is 2!

My little guy is 2! While others can't believe he is already2, I can! ha. I just feel like he has always been in our family. I hardly remember just having Peyton. He's also been a little slower to reach his milestones than Peyton has, so it doesn't really seem like he is growing up so fast. It might be a different story next year. Two is still so young. Three seems a lot older. 

Noah Thomas,
You definitely keep me on my toes! You are easily frustrated, but so determined! You are strong willed, and such a love bug! You can't be easily persuaded to do things or change your attitude unless a sweet treat is involved. ha. You love all your cars, trucks, planes, helicopters, tractors, and anything else with wheels and a motor. You are an excellent traveler. You love being in the car. You are pretty good about trying new foods. We've been trying open cups, but you think its pretty funny when it spills. Though you have shown some signs of potty training readiness we are going to hold off on that for a while. You still use your pacifier, that you affectionally call your "wa-woe", during nap time and bedtime.  You love to be covered up with a blanket, but you don't like your feet to get stuck. If you had your way you would never wear clothes, clip your nails, or brush your teeth or hair. You do love baths though! You are a happy guy in the water! You love swimming! You show no fear, and wish you didn't have to wear a puddle jumper. I love that you love to snuggle with me on the couch, and that you always want my attention so you can tell me something funny you saw on tv or a cool vehicle that passed us while we were in the car. I love when you sing, and ask me to turn the music up. I love your side stepping dance move, and the way you run sideways. I love that when you do something you think if fun or cool you want Peyton to do it too. You are such an animal lover. You are such a special little guy. Strangers always comment on how adorable you are. The teachers at church love you! I'm so looking forward to watching you grow, and seeing where your hard work and determination takes you!  I love you so much, and am so thankful that I get to be your mom!

We had a small birthday party with my parents, aunt, uncle and cousins. My parents rented a jolly jumper, and the kids had a blast!

I usually do cupcakes because they're easier to serve, but I decided to make a cake this time. Kind of ghetto, but Noah liked it!

I love that he has an airplane in one hand, and a helicopter in the other. He knew exactly what to do to his candles!

Hours of work! ha.

Love his little face in this one. So excited to open his presents!

Noah is not a fan of getting his picture taken, but I did manage to snag a handful that I like.

So handsome!

He looves this tractor that my dad got him. He wouldn't let anyone touch it. 

We got home from my parents' house at the same time as our next door neighbor, so the kids ran over there to say hi. When they asked Noah if it was his birthday he did a little jump, and shouted,"cake!" :) I think he had a good birthday!