Noah turned 18 months old at the beginning of the month! I have no idea how tall he is or how much he weighs. He isn't having an 18 month appointment because we had one at 16 months, and his pedi wants to wait until he is 20 months. I do know that he is big! It does not look like there is 2 years between him and Peyton. He is picking up new words left and right. Today he told me "nooo heee" which translates into no hitting. He hears that a lot. He is quick to hit, and throw a tantrum these days. He is very impatient and easily frustrated. Maybe he is going to be a perfectionist. He has a complete meltdown if I don't fix his train right away when it comes apart. He throws himself on the floor if he can't gets his cars to roll across a surface exactly the way he wants it. His two favorite things are cars, and animals. He also likes trains, and having wrestling matches with Peyton.

Like every kid I've ever known he prefers to be outside rather that inside. He is getting pretty good at climb stairs and going down the slides all by his big self.

He doesn't like chicken nuggets, but loves cheeseburgers. He will request yogurt and ritz crackers for every meal and snack, and usually throws a tantrum when I tell him no. Some days he really likes string cheese other days he'll throw it on the ground. He used to love graham crackers until I spread some nutella on one for him. Now he checks both sides of the cracker and throws it at me if there isn't any nutella on it.

We definitely have challenging days with Noah, but wouldn't want him any other way. I don't mean to talk only about what a stinker he can be. He also makes me laugh all the time, and likes being silly. He loves to give me cheesy smiles when he sees my camera. He is my little cuddle bug that loves giving me LOTS of kisses and hugs throughout the day. I'm excited to see what becomes of his stubborn yet sweet, animal loving, car obsessed, kissing personality.

Love this little guy! I really like when he would just randomly kiss your leg or give you a hug. Can't wait to see you guys in a few months!
i love the part about him checking his graham cracker for nutella and throwing it back if it doesn't have that. we love that stuff too.
he is SUCH a doll!
No doubt in my mind that this little guy will be an analytical perfectionist who is stubborn but sweeter than anything! I say this because my mom told me I was pretty similar lol. So its a GOOD thing cause I'm great ;]
I just love this little guy. Such a cute kid. I also love the nutella throwback.
So adorable! Just came across your blog from MC but happy to have "Found" it. :)
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