I was just going to do a wordless wednesday, but I thought the pictures needed a disclaimer. While it was cold enough to snow it didn't feel that cold. Not once did the kids say they were cold, but I still didn't let them stay out long. Peyton had just gotten home from dance and that is why she is wearing tights, leg warmers and slippers. :) If we were going outside to play for a long period of time I assure you that they would be dressed warmer. I'd also like to say that they most likely would rip off their hats and shed their coats after running around because the cold here doesn't feel as cold as it does there... assuming you don't live in a dry climate.

The unclose one of Peyton is GORGEOUS. Little snow princess! I hope I have cute kids! Daniel thinks we'll have ugly ones. waaaahh. I love the flurry pics too. Oh to be a kid again.
I liked your disclaimer. I have noticed other moms love to pounce on moms for things like that. lol Nice save!
up close*
Daniel is crazy! Of course your kids will be cute!!
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