Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I love life, but I am glad January is over. It is my least favorite month. It always seems to last the longest too. Once we're in February I feel like spring is just around the corner. Though this year I will be waiting for warmer temps longer than I had to wait in Alabama. Like every year, I am trying to take a picture a day. I always fall of the wagon pretty early on, so we'll see what happens in 2012. Even in this first month I didn't take a picture every day. Some of these are out of order, and a couple are on the same day. What are you gonna do? I could promise myself that I'll do better from now on, but I'm just not sure if that is a promise I can keep. So anyway, here are 31 pictures from January.

You can click on the storyboard to see it bigger.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I tired to get a video of Noah "jumping", he tried a couple of times but was more interested in spinning.

Untitled from Kim Sayre on Vimeo.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Outside and Kids' Room

Sorry, Holly, I don't have the entire house. I did take some pictures of Peyton's and Noah's room, and the outside of the house though. I'll add some more as we get settled in. I just feel like there is nothing to take pictures of in the house. Its pretty plain. 

I went back and forth on wether or not to post the front of our house especially with our car in front of it. Cory laughed at me for blocking out our address and license plate number. 

We have big plans for the backyard. Its going to be a big job. I'm not even sure how we are going to get rid of all those weeds. 

I want to plant a garden in this area. 

Noah's side of the room. His crib is still at my parents' house. He is actually sleeping better in his pnp.

Peyton's side of the room.

Aren't those painting above their beds super cute!? My SIL painted them, and gave them to the kids for Christmas. I love them!

Friday, January 13, 2012

flashback friday!

Peyton when she was Noah's age.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Running in the flurries

I was just going to do a wordless wednesday, but I thought the pictures needed a disclaimer. While it was cold enough to snow it didn't feel that cold. Not once did the kids say they were cold, but I still didn't let them stay out long. Peyton had just gotten home from dance and that is why she is wearing tights, leg warmers and slippers. :) If we were going outside to play for a long period of time I assure you that they would be dressed warmer. I'd also like to say that they most likely would rip off their hats and shed their coats after running around because the cold here doesn't feel as cold as it does there... assuming you don't live in a dry climate.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ten on tuesday!

1. We moved into our new house last week.

2. We got a new car.

3. Peyton moved down to the 2&3 year old class instead of being the only 3 year old in the 3&4 year old class today. Her teacher said she did awesome. 

4. It snowed today, but didn't stick. 

5. I have a handful of goals for this year, but I've decided not to share them unless I accomplish them. ha.

6. January usually feels like such a long month, but these past 10 days have flown by.

7. I have major puppy fever. So bad that I'd even settle for a cat. A cat will never happen though. We can't get a dog until we rid our backyard of goat heads.

8. Our backyard is huge!

9. Yesterday I went grocery shopping. Noah wanted apples, and Peyton wanted every sweet treat she saw. I'm sure if Noah had more words he would have asked for more than apples. :) Apple is Noah's newest word. 

10. Neighbor spying, totally encouraged by me. :)