Friday, February 26, 2010

Do you care to know...

I've been trying to potty train Peyton for 3 days. The first day she peed once in the potty, the second day she peed twice, today she's only been peeing on the floor. :/ She did poop in the potty yesterday and today. Oy!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thinking of Baby Names

Even before I was pregnant I was constantly thinking about what we would name our next child. Cory doesn't like a couple of my boy names, and most of my girl names. What do you guys like?

The boy names I like:

Levi, Asher, Samuel, Benjamin, Jonah, Jonas, Niall, Tristan, Reuben

Girl names I like:

Lauren, Ellie, Isabella, Madelyn, Reagan, Rowan, Macy, Reese, and sometimes Penelope

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I did it... and an update.

I converted Peyton's crib this morning. She loves it, and didn't try to get out once when I laid her down for her nap. Go Peyton! I hope tonight goes just as smooth. You can't really tell it's set up like a toddler bed, but here's a couple of  pictures:

Peyton slept for 2 hours. Woo hoo! When I heard her awake this is what I found:

I'm not sure if you can tell, but she was reading to her bear!! Oh my gosh, could she be any more adorable! I love her. Especially on days like today when there haven't been any tantrums and a new milestone is reached with ease. :) Oh and she totally just peed in her little potty. She didn't realize she did though, but started laughing at me because I was jumping up and down. She woke up dry, so I sat her on her potty while she watched a movie.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

10 on tuesday

1. Peyton's new phrase is, "aw man". It's so cute. Yesterday she got graham cracker crumbs on her knee, and she said it.

2. I'm not watching Jaida anymore, and I feel so free!

3. I know I already posted these on fb, but here they are again for those that didn't see them. This was my attempt at her 18 month pictures. It was super difficult. Once she discovered the water, which was right away, it was impossible for me to take her anywhere else. She also refused to hold her umbrella up with two hands. I did get a few I really like though.

This was the first outfit I had her in. Too bad only one picture turned out cute.

4. I have hope that our home improvement projects will be done soon.

5. I cleaned Peyton's closet last weekend. I packed away clothes that are too small, and washed her warm weather wardrobe. I'm afraid if it doesn't warm up soon she won't be able to wear some of the clothes I bought her.

6. We went to the zoo last Saturday, and Peyton was more interested in the rocks and sticks than the animals. Our pass expires the 28th, so we'll probably stick to the parks from now on.

7. We bought sand to try to level out our backyard and get grass to grow. Peyton had a blast putting in all over Daragan's back. She would say, "there ya go".

8. In 7 or 8 weeks we find out if we're going to a boy or a girl.

9. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday.

10. That's right...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I either get this or that

Taking Peyton's picture is so hard these days. She either says, "cheese"...

or a scowl.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

18 month well check

I love our pediatrician's office. All of the nurses are so sweet, and gush over Peyton. I'm sure they gush over all of the kids, but they really make you feel like your child is the favorite. When we first got there Peyton started crying, but as soon as the nurse started talking to her she calmed down, and said hi to everyone that walked by. She is perfectly healthy weighing 25 lbs (75%) and measuring 32 1/2". I can't believe she has gained 4 pounds in 3 months. Ha!

The doctor said Peyton is very bright and verbal for her age, really social, anal retentive, probably ready for potty training and will probably be a perfectionist. She was also impressed with the fact the Peyton knows a lot of shapes and colors. Of course when I was pointing out colors and asking Peyton what they were she said, "geen" to everything. ha. Overall it was a really good appointment.

It's suppose to be 60 on Sunday, so I'm pretty sure I'll be taking pictures of Peyton. She looks hilarious today. Her shirt is too small so her belly is poking out, and she wanted to wear her snow boots. She looks very "special". I could change her shirt, but eh.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

10 on tuesday.

1. I bought the wrong size diapers, so yesterday I decided to give potty training a try. 1 successful potty time, and 8 accidents later I put Peyton in the cloth diapers we had.

2. Day 2 of cloth diapers. I have 4 disposables left, but  I need them for bedtime, and tomorrow morning.

3. Tomorrow Peyton is finally going to her 18 month well check. I'll also be buying diapers. :)

4. I think Peyton has finally mastered the use of a spoon. Well, maybe. She did use her hand to get the last couple of bites of applesauce.

5. If Peyton is trying to climb on the coffee table, and I say her name she replies back with, "get down. yes, mommy." while still trying to climb on top. :/

6. We went to Rooms to Go Kids last Saturday, and Peyton loved it! She was having a blast climbing on all the chairs and beds, saying hi to everyone, and trying to play with the other kids. I heard one little boy who was probably 6 tell his older brother that, "he wasn't even going to try to talk to a baby". haha. Who needs Chuck E Cheese when you've got a furniture store?

7. If I didn't love Peyton's current bedding so much I would be dying to redo her room.

8. Toddler bed or just a twin mattress and box spring?

9. I still haven't taken Peyton's 18 month pictures. Maybe if it was warmer than 40 degrees I would. Last year she was able to wear a t-shirt and cotton pants. Remember?

10. Winter is only welcome in December. I want warmer weather!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Better than none. A couple Valentine's day pictures.

I meant to do a little Valentine's Day shoot with Peyton, but it's been so cold, and I no longer have a backdrop, so... I quickly took these on our way out to church this morning.

Monday, February 8, 2010

A couple of cute videos

Snow day in Idaho.

Seriously, I have the cutest kid! :) I don't know why the video is so yellow. I promise she wasn't bathing in brown, dirty bath water, and she doesn't have brown eyes. Also, she hears Cory putting the "down down down" video on youtube, and starts "singing" it. I'm not sure if you can hear the music in the background. Do you think it's okay to post a bath video on the internet? I had a hard time decided on wether or not I should post it. You never know who's lurking. Her cuteness was too great not to share though. Thoughts?

Saturday, February 6, 2010

baby are you down, down, down, down...

My nephews, cousins, and Peyton "singing and dancing" while we were in Idaho. Just a warning: it's very long, and only funny/cute if you know the kids. ha.

18 months

Peyton is 18 months old!  I don't really know what to write because everything is pretty much the same as it was last month.

We haven't been to the doctor yet, so I don't know her stats.

She is a talking machine. The other day we were watching Cars, and of course she chose to repeat the word "idiot". She hasn't said it again though. I love when she says, "there ya go". We always tell her that when she is trying to do something, and figures it out. When she needs my help and I finish the task she always says, "there ya go" in a proud voice. I also love the way she says bear because it sounds like she is from Boston.

She always wants to take her bear, bunny, and giraffe to bed with her. Yesterday Elmo was thrown in to the mix of "friends" in the crib. Last night it took her like an hour to fall asleep, she was singing "lalalalala Elmo's world". She will talk to them forever in the morning, and before nap time. The other day I went in to her room and she had  all her stuffed animals lined up and she was "reading" a book out loud. I'm not sure if she was reading to them or if she had lined them up earlier and then decided to read. She's definitely getting more imaginative in play though.

Her favorite things to do right now are paint, and climb on the couch... or climb on anything she can. Yesterday morning she slung her leg over the crib and started to pull herself up. Once she realized she was getting on the top of the crib she put her leg down. I think she was a little scared. ha. Hopefully she doesn't try again because I'm not ready to put her in a big girl bed. Oh, and of course watching movies. :/ She'll bring me dvds all day long. I think she thinks I'm telling her no because of I don't like the movies she's picked out.

I've been trying to get her to repeat "yes, mommy" when I ask her to do something. She finally started saying it, and it's so adorable. The only problem is that she won't do the thing I asked. ha. We're working on it.

When she gets really mad at me she will hit something she is close to, and look at me with a "did you see what you made me do" look on her face. Or she'll throw something in the air, it's usually a dvd. This usually only happens right after her nap, and before she's had a snack.

She knows the colors yellow, blue, purple, and sometimes red, pink, white and green.

She tries to count, and most of the time it goes a little something like this "2,3,2, 6,7,9,10" But if we do every other number she can count to ten, but always leaves out 8.

She knows her shapes really well, but octagon is her default shape. If I ask her about a shape and she doesn't know it she'll say octagon. I love when points out the different shapes she sees when we are out and about. Whenever she sees an "A" she always calls it a triangle.

She is still a super picky eater, and will not try anything new. I had to shove cake in her mouth because she wouldn't try it. ha. Whenever we go to Publix she gets a free cookie from the bakery, and she always licks it first. She is a very slow cookie eating, and usually doesn't finish it.

I think that about sums her up right now.

I might take her 18 month pictures this weekend. It's so stinking cold though. :( Last year she wore a short sleeved shirt in her 6 month pictures.

Pushing her wagon a few days ago.

This morning, standing on the "arm" of the futon. Actually she wasn't just standing, she was walking across it. I took her down a few times before I went and got the camera. I have a feeling this is going to be our new battle ground.

I thought she was safe in the pnp.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010