We went to Old Baker's Farm on Saturday. We had a lot of fun despite the puddles, mud, and drizzle. Peyton's new boots are covered in mud, but it was still totally worth it.
Last year we went to the same pumpkin patch with Hillary, Steph and Aimee, but we never made it through the entrance. Paying $10 for a hayride, corn maze, petting zoo, and pumpkin that couldn't fly back with our friends didn't seem worth it... especially with a 2 month old in tow. We did stop in front of the corn fields to take pictures though. I'm so glad we did take those pictures because it's so fun to compare them to this year.

::sigh:: How fast a year comes and goes...

We are loving this age though! I love watching Peyton explore the world around here.
First we stopped for a ride on the little tractors.

Can you see the white specks all over the picture? It's rain, but just little baby rain, not enough to ruin our fun.

Then we stopped to pet the horses, though i think this one is a mule.

Then we headed to the barn to pet some bunnies, and chickens... or so we thought. Peyton was not a fan. Is it weird that I think it's great that Peyton doesn't like to touch or have animals touch her? ha.

The geese were so loud, and made Peyton cry. I don't blame her for being freaked out, geese are nuts and will jack your food in the park.

Can you tell how much she loved the pig? Ha. She humored us though, and made the sound that the pig made when we asked her.

Waiting for the hay ride.

A perfect little set up to take pictures while you wait for the hayride. Too bad she wouldn't look at me. There were too many people for me to jump around acting like a fool.

This is probably my favorite picture from the day. I love them.

A real patch.

Such a good daddy, wiping of the dirt.

Peyton doesn't approve, she still sees mud on her hands. ha.

I bet you all wish you could have sloshed through this.

So proud that she took her clip out of her hair.

Next stop was climbing a huge haystack.

This farm was seriously amazing. There were so many great places to take pictures. It's so hard for me to balance enjoying the time with my family, and trying to have a photo shoot. I never got the picture I was hoping to get in front of this barn. There's always next year...

Another look at the horses.

A horse swing that was made out of a tire, so cool!

Doesn't she look so bored?

Apparently she was having a lot of fun...let it out...

Look at that lip.

All is right in the world again when water is involved.

So freaking cute! They had just finished bottle feeding the calves. Do you see the milk on his snout?

The dog took care of cleaning the milk off their faces.

On our way out we stopped at the little tractors again.

Then we stopped at the big tractor.

Lastly, a water break before getting in the car.