1. Peyton is a full on walker.
2. The new flooring is finally finished in the living room and hallway! I told Cory on Saturday that I was just going to try to figure it out myself, and magically it was the day he had planned on working on it. weird. So he cut the boards and laid them in the tough areas and I laid the bulk of it in the living room. Then on Sunday Cory finished the tight areas near the baseboards and fireplace and finished up the hall. My hands were killing me the next day, and I got a couple of blisters. I am so glad it's done. I love having a functioning living room again. Peyton is loving it to. She just walks all around the house now. She has never had free reign of the house. Our carpet was gross, so I didn't like her crawling on it, and then we just had concrete for a few months. So she thinks she's pretty cool walking all around. Our vizsla, Daragan, hates it though. She's so neurotic. When we changed the flooring in the kitchen she freaked out too. Hopefully she'll get over it soon.
3. Peyton loves to carry cups, bowls, and pretty much any container around the house.
4. We went to a birthday party on Saturday night for our friend's little boy that just turned a year. I offered Peyton some ice cream and cake, but she wanted strawberries instead. I actually would have rather had her eat the cake because the strawberries were dripping all over her face, down her shirt, and all over my hand. Good for her food choice though. :)
5. We're going to Clearwater for Labor Day weekend! I am so excited! We haven't been since May of last year.
6. I made brownies last night. There's a little over half the pan left.
7. Have I mentioned that Peyton signs please? It's so funny because she always does it with an attitude. I'm conflicted about teaching her thank you because her "eat" is pretty much a close fisted thank you. Do you think she'll get confused or should I try to teach it to her?
8. Krista bought her plane ticket to come out her the first week of October. Yay! I'm so excited. We're totally going to go apple picking and try to make an apple pie from scratch.
9. We bought Peyton's halloween costume last weekend. She looks so cute, and actually enjoys wearing it. I probably won't post pictures until October though.
10. Yay, it's September! I hope this month goes by fast. I have a lot to look forward to. I can't wait until some fall weather, so I can decorate and have candles burning!
We have those ikea cups too. I love your child and her walking self. What a big kid! I think you should still teach her the sign. Even if she does the same sign for both for a while she'll get it eventually. I'm very jealous that Krista is going to visit. Poo.
I would appreciate it if you would comment on my blog now:)
I love your blogs...
Awesome new floor BTW ;)
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