Thursday, March 26, 2009

silly girl

Peyton is starting to get silly. It's so fun seeing her trying to be funny. The last few nights she has been getting so hyper at night, it's great. Of course, she is still cautious, shy, reserved and super sweet. I love everything about her, even her big head that she got from her daddy. : )

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ten on tuesday

1. So far this day has not been fun. Digory will not stop barking. Peyton is crabby and clingy, which is so not like her. She woke up after 30 minutes of her morning nap. Jada just got here and her mom informed me that she is also being crabby and clingy. Both girls are currently screaming in their beds. ::sigh:: They need to go to sleep.

2. On a happier note, we went to the zoo with Aimee after church on Sunday. It was warm, and perfect. The petting zoo was open, so I took Peyton in to pet the goats. 

This is us getting ready to wash our hands after we pet the stinky goats.
Her shirt is soaking wet from her sippy cup, so much for spill proof.

Look how long her hair is getting. 

3. Last friday I let Peyton finger paint with purees on her tray. It was messy, but she enjoyed it.
She kind of looks sad in this picture : (

4. I bought her 2 pairs of Small Paul pajamas. Love them! Can you believe they are size 12 months!?!
5. I took this picture last week. Doesn't she look so big and grown up? 
6. So pretty much my "Ten on Tuesday" is just a bunch of random pictures. I haven't been posting very many pictures, so I thought it was necessary. 
7. Besides the meaning of Easter, Cory puts the holiday in the same category as Halloween, and Valentine's Day. I love Easter! I'm excited about being in Idaho to celebrate with my mom, dad, brothers, Aunt, Uncle and Peyton's cousins!!! We'll also be there for my mom's and cousin's birthdays. It's going to be a very fun trip! 

8. Peyton's getting really fearful of loud, abrupt noises.

9. I forgot how many bugs are in Alabama. It almost makes me sad spring is here, and summer is on its way.

10. If I could change anything that has happened in the last 2 1/2 years I would say absolutely NOT to getting a stupid german short-haired pointer!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

more video fun

I don't know why the font is huge.
Don't forget to turn off the music.

Eating an apple in her mesh feeder.

Dig steals the show.
Love this! She totally started singing!
She loves the banjo! Ha.

Dancing with Daniel, Singing with Daddy.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 on tuesday!

1. I was going to skip today, but decided against it.

2. I hate car maintenance. Both of our cars need oil changes, Cory needs new brakes and we have another warped tire on the jeep, thanks to me for hitting a curb. blah.

3. Cory made brownies last night, he ate one...and they're almost gone...

4. I have been loving the warm weather here, but I'm glad it will be back in the 60s for a little while longer because summer is just around the corner, and I know i will be brutal. 

5. I am very excited about my parents new purchase.

6. I love gorditas from taco bell. Yum!

7. Peyton is liking baby food less and less. What gives? 

8. Tomorrow I'm opening up a savings account for Peyton. She gets her christmas and valentine's day money back. : )

9. I'm watching baby Jada on Thursday, and I'm looking forward to it. More work makes the day go by faster. Faster days means it feels like no time before Cory is home. It also means that Idaho won't feel so far away!!!

10. Digory doesn't bark as much if Daragan is in the backyard with him. Such a nice discovery! 

Friday, March 6, 2009

video fun

You might think these are boring, but I love them.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

In case you were wondering

I thought I'd explain the he-man woman haters club. It's the club the boys have in little Rascals. Their sign is putting their hand under their chin, and wiggling their fingers. Ummm...that's all the explaining I have : ) Hope it helps.

7 months

Peyton is 7 months! Can you believe it! 

I had such a hard time taking these pictures. Peyton was not into it. I need some help. Which one is your favorite? Don't judge the coloring, I know it's off in some of them. The one I print will be black and white. Not all of the pictures are in the running, so pay attention to the number above it. I posted a ton because I wanted to show you how she was so not interested in having her picture taken, or as they say in good ol' alabama, her picture made.

8. I think I like this one the best.


This is her trying to get in to the he-man woman haters club. 

Not a single smile. She would barely even look at me, and I was being so fun. I mean, if I was whistling and squealing your name wouldn't you smile at me? 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

10 on tuesday!

1. Have you noticed that in all the videos I've posted Digory is barking in the background? Ugh. I am completely over his barking! Seriously, something needs to be done. It's rude to the neighbors. I will never get another dog just because Cory thinks they're cool. Okay, rant over.

2. Tomorrow I start my adventure in baby sitting. It will only be one day a week until her mom gets a job. The baby is a week or two younger than Peyton. I'll get a glimpse of what having twins is like.  I hope it's fun, and not too stressful. 

3. I thought this was cool.

4. I am having some major beach fever! I need to see the sand and ocean or gulf of mexico soon! 

5. I was very sad over the bachelor outcome. I gave that show too much of my heart, and now it's broken. : ) jk, but I was sad.

6. We have so many weeds growing in our front yard it's embarrassing. I think we're going to start getting lawn treatments.

7. The sales tax here is ridiculous. Getting a 10% off coupon just means you don't have to pay the sales tax.

8. I love that it's March. It just sounds so fresh and so clean, clean.

9. I haven't worked on my new year's resolutions since about the second week of january. I need to get back on that.

10. Can you tell that it gets harder to do these every week? I really don't have anything interesting to say.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This morning we woke up to snow! After Peyton ate we headed outside to take some pictures. We weren't sure how long the snow would last, so we wanted Peyton to be able to experience it before it all melted. But it hasn't stopped snowing yet! We'll probably go out again later because Peyton loooved it! She kept opening her mouth to try to catch the snow flakes. So cute!

To see more pictures of our fun day go to Cory's blog.