This was her on the first day of class. She had just turned three a month prior.

and a video before we left.
Her dance recital
Here is another picture of her that I took last week. Less than 3 months until she is 4! She really doesn't look that much older though, does she?

2. Last weekend we decided to go on an adventure and look for the land my parents own. We tried last fall, but never found it. Cory was sure he knew where it was this time. After driving around for an hour we still couldn't find, so we decided to just go look at the dam, and let the kids run around at the park. Noah was being so funny, cute, and was up for some picture taking. Peyton is always up for pictures. She loves to make up her own poses.
She insisted on sticking her finger in her mouth.

I'm not sure if anyone reads this that I'm not fb friends with, but just incase here is the picture of Noah's "monster face". It is my absolute favorite!

He kind of matches his shirt. ha. I never realized how sharp his teeth are.

Group shot! Thanks for rounding up the troops, Peyton.

Gosh, he is such a cute kid!!

I guess this is her dainty pose.

3. "Sorry, Noah, no more fruit snack."

4. And then he asked to go to bed. He has asked to go to bed before. I'd like to say he woke up super happy, but the tantrums are continuing. He has really good days, and really emotional days.
5. We still have not found a church we love here. We've visited 5. We're trying a new one Sunday, and there is one more I want to try, and then we just need to pick one. None of them have been horrible, and we even liked some, but I just don't love them. I guess that's what happens when you super love your previous church. If you ask Peyton she will tell you that she loves them all. If you ask Noah he will tell you that he hates them all. Ha. He cries every time we drop him off at the nursery.
6. I love summer time in Idaho. It's still not summer here, but we've had a few glimpses of it. I love the blazing heat from the sun, and then being able to sit in the shade and feel cool. I love the smell of fresh cut grass, and all the water along the roads from the irrigation. I love swimming in my parents' pool, and getting my tan on.
7. I can't wait until our puppy gets a little bigger and we can take her on hikes.
8. Noah tries to catch bees. He just loves creatures big or small.
9. I got my haircut last week. It had been two years. It was definitely time. I don't have a picture of myself, but it's pretty much the same cut I got 2 years ago.

10. Peyton: When I'm big I don't want my own family. I want you and dad and Noah to be my friends. I want a pink house, and a pink chilala named Daisy.
1 comment:
I love your kids and I don't even really know them. They are the best!!!!
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