I don't have a copy of our Christmas card, but this is the picture I used.
I took this last month, so no glasses or haircut for Noah.
Last week Peyton's dance class was open for parents, family and friends to come watch. It was so much fun watching the girls dance. Peyton is the only 3 year old, and a young one at that, and after watching her in her class I've decided(per recommendation of her teacher) to move her out of the 3&4 year old class down to the 2&3 year old class. She just can't keep up.
Ha! Look at her arm! :)
All dressed up in Christmas attire.
"skipping"... more like galloping. :)
The morning of Christmas Eve I headed to the park to play football with my uncles, aunt and their friends. My mom took some pictures, and made a slideshow. so fun!
I didn't take any pictures on Christmas Eve. Too busy eating, hanging out, opening presents, and playing games.
Christmas morning!
This little guy is going through a big time momma only phase. He wants to be on my hip all day long. That red flannel is my knee.
Wow, Mario gummies! This girl loves her some video games. She gets that from her dad for sure.
This was her expression for ever gift. She loves everything.
See. :) All the pictures of her opening presents look like this.
My attempt to get a picture of both of them in front of the tree.
Looking so smug with one of Peyton's Mario gummies. :)
Peyton and Ty in front of the tree. ha!
We went tubing on Monday. Its actually pretty warm here for Boise, so there isn't any snow. The place that we went actually has manmade snow hills. Peyton was sick. She started out fine in the morning, so we thought she would be good to go, but after 2 runs down the hill she was done! Noah went down once, and it freaked him out.
I have no idea how my glove hook got stuck in my braid.
Noah chilling in the tube... not knowing what's coming.
Since I didn't get any pictures of the kids dressed up on Christmas Eve I took them out this afternoon for a little picture fun.
You can't tell, but Noah is sick and crabby right now. He had a blast outside though, and was all smiles. I guess the fresh air did him some good. Inside the house is a whole different story. He is in a "cheese" phase. This is my new favorite picture of him.
My handsome boy
Trying to get a good picture of Peyton was quite the challenge. She wanted to show me "her moves."
Then she decided that she was a tree... here she is looking up lovingly at her mommy tree
hugs for her mom tree. (what in the world? she is a weirdo. haha!)
In the backyard playing with their powerwheel
Man, let me tell posting all these pictures is work! Maybe someday I'll get to some meaningful words, but tonight, and pretty much all posts, the story just has to be told in pictures because I am spent!