2. I love seeing them ride in the jeep together. They are such good buddies. I hope they are always close. I feel like this is a glimpse into the future.

3. Our Elf on the Shelf, Joel. Peyton named him. This is our first year doing the good ol' elf on the shelf. He showed up hanging from our fan Dec. 1st. I thought I would have so much fun with this and setup some awesome scenes for him, but so far I find myself waking up in the middle of the night, and having to run downstairs to plop him in some place new. Peyton looks for him every morning, but doesn't seem to really care all that much about him. We did watch the little movie, and she was so nervous when the little boy was about to touch his elf. It was cute.

4. Christmas cookie making

5. A couple weeks ago we went and visited Santa.

This picture is so Peyton right now. Age 3 has not been the easiest for her.

I love this picture. Crying babies on santa's lap always make me laugh. He was actually fine after 3 second.

6. Peyton and I went downtown to watch my cousins sing last Saturday. Hunter got to sing on the mic. I don't know why, but that little girl in the front with the pink jacket made me think of Hillary.

Peyton brought her camera.

And she got her face painted for the first time.

7. The cutest little 4 eyes I've ever seen.

8. Its cold. I really do not like the winter. I am already longing for warm days playing outside. Its supposed to snow on Thursday and I'm actually ok with that. I think it will be fun to go sledding and make snowmen. But, I was definitely not made for the cold.
9. Noah is so crabby, and I don't understand it. He has been fussing all day long today, and throwing fits. And really, he is like that most of the time. What gives? He's not sick. Well, I guess he could be because Peyton just got over a stomach bug. Nothing like waking up to your child crying in the middle of the night and having puke all over herself. But even if Noah is crabby because he is sick, he is crabby even when he is not. Maybe he hates winter, too.
10. Special snowflake.
I like the name Joel for an elf. Suits him well. Charisse loves Ethen and poops her pants every day when she sees him. So far there's only been one day where we woke up in a panic in the morning, having forgotten to move him.
I love little Noah and his glasses. He looks so adorable.
I'm mailing your kids' Christmas presents this week! Hooray for the holidays. Once they come, they can open them whenever you want. The sooner the better, because I like instant gratification.
I love elf on the shelf pictures. They crack me up. I love funny santa photos, too. Have you seen Despicable Me? Noah looks like the minions in his glasses. :) So cute!
Oh my gosh, holly, he totally does! Hmmm... I'm thinking next years Halloween costume!
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