Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fun at the Park and a Tantrum

These pictures are from last month, but I forgot to post them. Or did I?


The playground was packed that evening! We brought Peyton's car, and while Peyton was on the playground I let a couple of little girls play with it. Pretty soon there was a swarm of kids wanting to take turns, so we decided to go on a walk.




I had this brilliant idea of taking pictures of Peyton standing on the bridge. It didn't work out so well because she wanted to climb off of it. So we told her "all done". Apparently she was not. If I wasn't going to get cute pictures of her standing on the bridge I was at least going to get a few shots of her tantrum. :)




We walked around the pond a few times, put her car away and headed back to the playground. Her face is all splotchy because she fell in the wood chips. I hate wood chips. I wish all playgrounds had that bouncy, rubber floor. Ya know what I'm talking about?


I love her expression in this one. She just loves life.






So there it is...or was.


Erin said...

The 3rd tantrum pic is my fav!!!!! haha! And the 2nd swing pic looks like she's not too sure about that swing! Great pics as always!!!

steph said...

Love the tantrum. I also just love that swing so much. I've never seen one like that.

Ash said...

I llove the fit picture's too ;) Good stuff

hillary said...

i like cory's faces in the tantrum pictures. also that is a massive swing.

Lindsay said...

tantrum pictures are great! So funny. I am with Steph on the swing! I wish we had some like that!! Stupid military...